A generation of Miracle-Ear customers grew up watching classic TV shows the likes of Bewitched, Father Knows Best, Gilligan’s Island, I Love Lucy, Mission: Impossible, Gunsmoke and The Twilight Zone. Fortunately, you can still enjoy many of your favorite classic TV programs from the 1950s and 1960s, thanks to channels such as MeTV, as well as Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video and other streaming services. And those with hearing loss can get in on the fun, too. By streaming audio from your TV directly to your hearing aids, you can hear these programs and more in a whole new way.
While it may be easy to rattle off your favorite TV programs from that era, how would you rate your “classic TV IQ”? Take the quiz, courtesy of funtriva.com, and find out! (Answers appear at the bottom.)
One last non-trivial question: What’s the latest breakthrough for increasing your TV watching enjoyment? Answer: New Miracle-Ear GENIUS™ 5.0 technology, which lets you stream TV audio directly to your hearing aids via our TV Streamer accessory. The TV streamer connects to multiple wearers at the same time and you can personally adjust the volume to your own preferences.
This video will teach you how to pair the TV STreamer to your Hearing aids. Enjoy high quality Dolby Digital® sound from the television or other audio sources directly to your GENIUS™ 5.0 hearing aids.
Now, let’s see how much you know about some of our favorite classic TV shows with the fun quiz below.