Learn to mix hearing aids and fitness.
People often wonder whether they can wear hearing aids when they exercise. The answer is yes! Today’s hearing aids are designed to keep you doing the things you love—including breaking a sweat. Hearing aids can also boost communication, safety and fun during your favorite fitness and recreation activities.
Wearing hearing aids shouldn't keep you from taking care of your body or having fun through physical activity. By checking in on your hearing aids and sweat levels throughout your workout, you and your device should be just fine.
During exercise, the biggest thing to watch out for is excessive moisture or perspiration—which can damage your hearing aid and invite bacteria growth. While Miracle-Ear hearing aids are designed to repel moisture, you can also wear a sweatband or sleeve specifically made for hearing aids. And before you head to the gym or the track, brush up on how to dry out your hearing aids should you sweat a little extra.
If you’re worried about dropping your hearing aid while working out, you can use a cord with clip-on to secure it to your clothing. These can often be purchased in conjunction with a hearing aid sleeve. If you realize you can't find your hearing aid after a visit to the gym, try the Find My Hearing Aid location feature on the Miracle-Ear app.
After each workout, wipe down your hearing aids and use an air blower to remove moisture and debris. At night, remove the batteries and leave the battery door open to air them out. For rechargeable hearing aids, the charger doubles as a dehumidifier.