All there is to know to ensure a long life for your hearing aids.
Your hearing aids allow you to reconnect with all the people and things you love. In order to get the most out of them, however, there are hearing aid maintenance steps that need to be taken to maintain your hearing devices. Take a look at some of the things you'll have to make part of your regular routine to experience all your hearing has to offer you.
Whether you're regularly changing batteries or charge your LI hearing aids overnight, having a consistent battery routine is an important aspect of life with hearing aids.
Hearing aids allow you to live life to the fullest, however, sadly they don't always work as expected. There is troubleshooting you can do to fix the issue during your at-home hearing aid maintenance, but if these don't work repairs may be necessary.
No matter how well you may care for them, your hearing aids have a limited lifespan. The average life expectancy of hearing aids is somewhere between three to seven years, but it depends on several factors. Is it time for an upgrade?
Learn how to turn your
hearing aids on and off, how to disable hearing aids from your phone and tips
for preserving hearing aid battery life in this guide.