With very limited hearing in both ears, Kevin has worn hearing aids since he was three years old. Over the years, he has tried numerous hearing aids, with limited success.
“Once the Miracle-Ear® hearing aids were placed in my ears, I knew they would be mine. I heard sounds I never knew existed. One of the beautiful things with these aids is blocking out background noise,” he says. “Before Miracle-Ear, I always tried to avoid large crowds and auditoriums because I felt confused and embarrassed. Now I can enjoy myself."
"With Miracle-Ear, I go to comedy shows and actually laugh! I never have to ask, ‘What did he say?’ After shows, I can go to clubs and hear what my friends are saying, over the music,” he says.
“I even called my brother from a club, with the music blaring, and I could hear him,” Kevin says. “I said, ‘I just wanted to share with you that my Miracle-Ear hearing aids are permitting me to go out and have an enjoyable evening.’ He was amazed.”