Hearing Aids for Hearing Loss

All there is to know on how they work and the technology behind them.

hearing aids selection

Hearing devices for you

If you’ve decided that a hearing aid is the right choice to aid in your hearing journey, the experts at Miracle-Ear are here to help. Explore our range of modern hearing devices, learn about our ever-expanding technology, and find the hearing aid that will help you reconnect with the things and people you love.

Hearing aids are small but powerful electronic devices designed to discreetly assist your hearing. Powered by batteries, hearing aids include three essential parts: the microphone, amplifier, and speaker. Through the microphone, sounds in your environment are picked up and converted into a digital signal. The amplifier increases the power of the signal, which is then sent into your ear through a speaker (also known as a receiver). This basic function is essential to all hearing aids, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have a vast array of styles, sizes, and additional technologies to choose from. Your hearing needs are unique, and your hearing aid should be a custom fit for your lifestyle.

The best hearing aids are able to amplify intelligently—using directional microphones, speech isolation and digital noise reduction to diminish background noise and distinguish the sounds we most want to hear. The noise cancelling hearing aids then process the sounds, making them clearer and removing other distractions for easier listening and comprehension.

Does insurance cover hearing aids?

When shopping for hearing aids, one of people’s biggest concerns is price. It’s not hard to see why—hearing aids are a big investment, with the typical costs of hearing aids ranging from $1,000 and $4,000-plus per pair. While the technology, fitting, programming and aftercare all factor into the overall cost when you purchase hearing aids at Miracle-Ear, it’s understandable to experience some sticker shock.

Many people count on health insurance to help mitigate the cost of medical care and devices. The only problem? For most people, coverage depends on which insurance provider they are with and the details of their personal plan, which is usually obtained through their employer. That can mean the difference between having hearing aid coverage and not having it at all—and it’s not at all unusual for hearing aids to not be covered. To make things doubly complicated, the insurance landscape is notoriously confusing, making it a challenge to access the healthcare you want and need.

Regardless of what your insurance plan looks like, understanding your coverage and the hearing care options available to you is critical. To tackle some of the big questions around hearing aids and insurance, we spoke with Dr. Carrie Meyer, director of clinical programs at Amplifon Hearing Health Care, who has more than 30 years of experience helping clients find the hearing care they need. Read Dr. Meyer’s advice and insights on understanding hearing aid insurance coverage and how you can make the most of your benefits.

Dr. Tom Tedeschi

Reviewed by

Dr. Thomas Tedeschi, Au.D.

Chief Audiology Officer, Miracle-Ear









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The latest technology in hearing aid devices

Miracle-Ear hearing aids come in a wide variety of styles and solutions. From nearly invisible small hearing aids to the super powerful, we have a number of different hearing devices to fit your preferences.

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Exploring HA Types and Styles

Get to Know Types & Styles of Hearing Aids

Let's dive into the realm of hearing aids and discover the various types and styles available to help you find the perfect fit for your hearing needs.

Custom solutions for a comfortable fit

Our hearing aids and devices can be custom-molded to fit directly in your ear canal, or designed to fit comfortably behind your ear. Whether you're trying to find the most powerful solution, or the most inconspicuous, there's a Miracle-Ear device for you.

Our highly-trained hearing care professionals will make sure that we match the correct technology to your lifestyle. The hearing aid combinations and possibilities are endless. Discover types of hearing aids.

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Don't Miss Out

For 75 years, we have been committed to providing you with the latest in hearing technology. We are thrilled to introduce our newest line of hearing solutions, Miracle-EarBLISS™. Experience pure BLISS with low effort listening in the softest of environments.

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