"I’m planning a summer vacation and will be traveling on an airplane. The problem is, I feel a lot of pressure and even some pain in my ears, especially when the plane is taking off or landing. Do you have any suggestions?"
You’ve just identified the number one medical complaint among air travelers, airplane ear! For most people, the problem is a blocked-up sensation deep inside the ear. Sometimes, as you’ve experienced, there can also be ear pain after flying, as well as temporary hearing loss. Conditions such as the common cold, the flu, sinus infections, ear infections and allergies may exacerbate ear problems for the airplane passenger.
“Airplane ear,” as it’s commonly called, occurs when air pressure in the middle ear and external ear are out of sync, placing stress on your eardrum and other middle ear tissues. As you know, the problem is often worst when the airplane is taking off or descending.
A quick swallow or yawn will usually “pop” the ears and ease the airplane ear pressure discomfort. “Popping” is one of the most effect airplane ear treatments out there. If that’s not enough, here are some other airplane ear pain treatments for making air travel more pleasant for your ears:
Lastly, if you experience a severe case of “airplane ear,” please seek treatment from your physician.
Airplane ear can sometimes cause temporary hearing loss. However, if you think you suffer from permanent hearing loss, visit a Miracle-Ear location to schedule your free hearing test.