When we find ourselves in noisy environments, our brains can usually sort through extra noise to focus on one particular conversation. Hearing loss makes it more difficult to filter out this extra noise. Gain insight into the science of hearing, technology of hearing aids, and smart ways to navigate loud spaces to better enjoy yourself in any setting.
Picture it: You’re attending a company party, surrounded by people. Light music is playing. Forks are clinking on plates. Coworkers are having a discussion nearby. You’re in the middle of a conversation.
Even with lots of noise, our brains are equipped to focus on that specific conversation at the party. A phenomenon called the cocktail party effect allows us to filter out excessive stimuli. Hearing loss, though, makes it more difficult to filter out those extra sounds and understand speech.
Cocktail party effect examples aren’t limited to just parties. Difficult listening situations can crop up in crowded restaurants, workplace settings and public transit. Extra noise may make you avoid these kinds of spaces entirely but you don’t have to. Read on for solutions to help you feel more comfortable and confident in loud spaces.
Psychologist Colin Cherry was the first to research the cocktail party phenomenon more than 70 years ago.* In one of his studies, participants wore headphones and heard two different messages at the same time. One message played in the participants’ right ears and another in the left. They were asked to tease apart the contents of these messages under a variety of circumstances and levels of interference.
One scenario had participants listen to the messages in a setting similar to a cocktail party. As sound came from multiple angles, Cherry found people were able to easily tune into either message and shift their attention between the two messages. Participants understood the messages overall, regardless of the speaker’s gender or the content.
Cherry’s research helped explain sound in busy spaces, but his conclusions didn’t fully apply to people with hearing loss. While people without hearing loss can separate and comprehend multiple voices in noisy environments, people with hearing loss have difficulty understanding speech in the same settings.
According to new research into the cocktail party problem, people with hearing loss experience a sound processing issue. People with hearing loss struggle to filter out extra sounds due to an abnormal fusion of sounds. This makes it harder to listen to only one voice. Words get blended and loud settings become difficult to navigate. **
Cocktail party effect psychology may seem daunting, but with the help of the latest hearing aid technology, people with hearing loss can listen with ease in difficult environments.
Modern hearing aids include several features that target difficult noises and help the wearer adapt to the sound. One such feature is Speech Isolation Technology. Speech isolation selects and operates three key elements to create the best listening experience. These elements include:
Noise reduction minimizes background noise that might otherwise interfere with your hearing at a party. Some Miracle-Ear hearing aid models also include Wireless Windscreen technology to reduce wind noise and replace it with a more desirable sound like a friend’s conversation. Whether you spend time in busy spaces indoors or outside, competing noises won’t be in your way.
Directionality is an essential technology in hearing aids that helps wearers differentiate speech from background noises. Hearing aids can use omnidirectional, directional, or adaptive microphones —or a combination of all three. The microphones pick up sounds from different directions around the wearer. Whatever combination fits your needs, directionality makes it easier to identify the source of conversation and focus on the main speaker.
Amplification prioritizes the voice of the main speaker in your conversation over any other voices and sounds around you. Instead of amplifying all sounds equally in a given radius, modern hearing aids selectively amplify the sounds you want to hear. They also reduce background noise and feedback. This way, you can more clearly hear the voice of the person you’re speaking to. Competing noises will be less distracting.
Even the best hearing aids for speech clarity can’t fully tackle the cocktail party problem, but finding a device that matches your lifestyle and needs can make a major difference. Each type of hearing aid has unique features and strengths. If you’re noticing any difficulties hearing in crowded environments, consult a Miracle-Ear specialist to discuss what solution can help.
While hearing aids are useful tools to successfully navigate noisy environments, you can also take some steps to boost your hearing ability in loud settings. Here are some tips to help you listen with ease, even with background noise:
You can also ask people at large gatherings to help create a more conducive atmosphere for conversations. Ask them to take pauses between phrases, speak clearly and confirm details with you. For more resources on how to effectively communicate with people who have hearing loss, explore our tips for hearing loss communication.
Navigating noisy office parties and loud family gatherings doesn’t have to be stressful or difficult. Knowing how the cocktail party effect impacts your hearing loss and options to overcome it, you can enjoy more events with comfort and confidence.