When you first start wearing hearing aids, you may experience a range of new emotions and observations. Because people typically wait up to 10 years to treat hearing loss, there are many new sounds to get used to while adjusting to hearing aids. While hearing (or rediscovering) the previously missed sounds will be exciting, it’s also normal to have concerns.
Once you’ve worn your hearing aids for several days, weeks or months (the adjustment period varies from person to person), you’ll likely feel comfortable and more acclimated to all of the sounds. But for now, let’s address a few worries you might have while getting used to your new hearing aids and what you can do about them.
Since you’re probably not used to hearing subtle background noise, it might take some time to reacquaint yourself with these types of sounds. Traffic outside your home, background conversations while talking with a friend or even the sound of the air conditioning unit running can seem unusual or make hearing aids uncomfortable at first.
The good news: this feeling is completely normal and won’t last forever. Think of adjusting to hearing aids the same way you might think of coming out of a dark room and stepping into sunlight. You’ll probably want to close your eyes or feel the need to squint at first, but soon enough you’ll feel comfortable again. If you wear hearing aids consistently, you’ll gradually learn to pay attention to the most prominent sounds and naturally ignore the less important ones in your environment.
To make this adjustment even easier, Miracle-Ear hearing devices use special technology called Speech Isolation, which automatically focuses on the target sounds you’ll want to hear. Three features work in tandem to make this possible. Noise reduction limits background noise, directional microphones pick up sound coming from the direction of the speaker, and amplification increases the volume of the speaker rather than surrounding noise.
While it’s no surprise hearing aids will amplify certain sounds, it’s important to make sure they’re at a comfortable volume level. Hearing aids are programmed to fit your individual pattern of loss to make sounds just right for your ears. Hearing noise at a louder volume than before might feel unfamiliar or overwhelming at first, and maybe even uncomfortable. You’ll quickly have a good idea of what’s right for your ears and what sound level feels pleasant after, likely, a few days or weeks of getting used to your new hearing aids. The timing is different for everyone, but you're likely to notice the change when it occurs
If certain sounds seem painfully loud, don’t hesitate to let your Miracle-Ear provider know. Your local professional will be more than happy to make a hearing aid adjustment to correct this issue. Keep in mind, it’s common to need slight tweaks before finding the perfect balance between just right and slightly too loud. The priority is always to make sure you’re hearing in a way that’s ideal to compensate for your specific loss.
When hearing aids are turned up to their highest volume setting, the sound of the microphone picking up noise might be louder than usual. Hearing aid squealing can be minimized by simply turning down the volume unless there’s a specific reason it needs to be amplified.
Wearing a hat or giving someone a hug may also cause your hearing aids to whistle or beep momentarily. This sensation—known as hearing aid feedback—can also occur if your glasses rub on hearing aids. This happens because sounds that originate very close to the hearing aids will be picked up louder than those received from farther away. While there’s not much you can do to control this occasional sound, it’s helpful to be aware of the different situations that can cause it to occur.
As you adjust to your new hearing aids, you may notice your voice sounds a little different than it does without them. This is to be expected, since your voice is one of the sounds being amplified by your new device. If your hearing aid model takes up a significant portion of the ear canal, the sound of your voice will be altered the same way it would be if your ears were plugged. This is called the “occlusion effect.” Though this can feel odd initially, getting used to hearing aids doesn’t have to take a long time; it often happens relatively quickly.
Miracle-Ear’s Voice Recognition Technology also helps with this by processing your voice differently than other voices and sounds around you. The technology is used to detect the distance between your ears and mouth. The hearing aid then recognizes that the source of your own voice is closer to the device while other sounds are further away, achieving a more natural listening experience.
If you need additional help getting used to the sound of your voice, try speaking or reading aloud to yourself in a quiet space. The more you can hear yourself talk while wearing your devices, the easier the adjustment will be. Ask your provider for additional hearing aid tips if the issue persists.
Hearing aid battery life can be unpredictable depending on factors like the type of device you have, how you use it and the battery type. Because it’s hard to know exactly when your hearing aid battery might need to be replaced—the lifespan can range from several days to two weeks—it’s best to carry backup batteries with you. Batteries are small and can easily fit into your pocket, purse or wallet. While you’re adjusting to hearing aids, get in the habit of bringing batteries wherever you go—just like you probably do with your keys and cell phone. Use the Miracle-Ear app to gauge your typical battery usage; this will help you predict how often you’ll need to switch them out.
Replacing batteries can be done discreetly and only takes a few seconds. If your battery dies while you’re in the middle of a conversation, simply let the other person know you’ll need a moment to switch it out. Having an extra battery or two on hand means you’ll always be prepared and won’t miss out on important information.
The easiest and most convenient way to avoid this, though, is to use rechargeable hearing aids. Many models offer chargers that you can take on the go with you in case you’re running low on power while you’re out and about.
Once you start wearing your hearing aids, the difference in sound will likely be significant and noticeable. Simply recognizing the change in volume can help you remember to take it off or put it on each day while getting used to hearing aids. For example, if you forget to put on your hearing aid when you start your day, you might notice that the sound of the coffee maker, toaster, blender or other sounds are softer than usual. This will be a signal that you aren’t wearing your hearing aid, reminding you to put it on.
Setting up a routine can also help you get in the habit of putting your hearing aid on in the morning and taking it off at night. Leave the case or storage unit somewhere where you will see it, whether it’s next to your toothbrush (in a dry location), on your dresser or on your kitchen counter. Set a reminder alarm to make sure you wear your device consistently and remove it before going to bed.
Getting used to hearing aids is a process that takes time, but you can help support that process by making an effort to regularly wear your hearing aids.
Individuals with hearing loss sometimes tend to speak more loudly than others in order to hear themselves better—some people might even do this without realizing it. If you notice your voice seems louder with hearing aids, remember your device is simply amplifying the way it sounds to you.
As you spend more time wearing hearing aids, understanding the appropriate volume level to speak at will become more natural. You’ll also get a sense of how to adjust hearing aid volume to match your own voice and surroundings. Over time, you will start to feel more comfortable with this new volume and trust your instincts.
Tinnitus is often a symptom of hearing loss. While there isn’t a cure, wearing hearing aids can actually provide relief from the buzzing sensation. Miracle-Ear offers hearing aids designed to alleviate Tinnitus symptoms. Those with Tinnitus can choose from four different ocean wave signals for a soothing way to alleviate the buzzing sound. Notch Therapy is also available with the GENIUS™ 3.0 hearing aid model—rather than creating a sound, this setting trains the brain to ignore the Tinnitus.
Likewise, hearing aids can only help in treating loss and will not make it worse. Although they aren’t able to restore hearing health, they create a fuller range of sound and better listening experience. One of the major benefits of wearing hearing aids is improved speech comprehension. By magnifying sound vibrations as they come through the ear, hearing aids allow those with loss to understand what people say more easily. Plus, hearing aids provide the stimulation nerves in your ear and brain need, helping to preserve your speech discrimination ability. Treating loss with hearing aids sooner rather than later will help you continue to understand conversations.