Now more than ever, we need technology to stay connected. With COVID-19 causing workspaces to go remote and preventing in-person visits with family and friends, communicating virtually is a necessity. Using technology on a daily basis is no longer just a convenience – it’s essential. Miracle-Ear’s connectable hearing aids with Bluetooth technology are designed to help ease virtual interactions by streaming sound straight from a technology source and into your ear. Hearing aids with Bluetooth can help you stay connected, whether that’s through a work call, a family Zoom session or while watching your favorite show.
RIC models include:
These RIC connectable hearing aids are equipped with personalized hearing and natural sound quality, with discreet designs. They provide fully featured Bluetooth connectivity for you to use for music, calls and TV. The Miracle-EarCONNECT RIC 312 model has a newly designed rocker switch and optional telecoil, which makes it a great option for people who value discretion in a high-performing device.
BTE models include:
With adaptive directional microphones, the BTE connectable hearing aids harmonize your voice and surrounding sounds to provide natural sound quality and speech understanding in noise. The Miracle-EarCONNECT BTE S 13 has a slightly larger size for easy handling and fits comfortably behind the ear. The Miracle-EarCONNECT BTE P 13 has a slim, sleek profile for ultimate discretion. Both are designed to adapt to your individual hearing needs.
Miracle-Ear Bluetooth rechargeable hearing aids come with lithium-ion batteries. These batteries provide more than 12 hours of battery life and will recharge during the night with ease.
Hearing aids with Bluetooth technology allow for a seamless experience with other devices, and there are many benefits to using connectable technology. You can easily switch between many connected devices and use remote control for your hearing aid programs and settings. A standard protocol means there will be a uniform functionality across your devices, and you’ll still have the discretion of a small hearing aid. The hearing aid also provides a personalized listening experience based on your environment.
For daily use, the adaptable listening experience can help in a variety of situations. Hearing aid streamers allow you to set your TV’s volume at the correct level for your hearing aids, which may be different than the volume coming from the TV’s speakers. This can prevent arguments with family about the volume level, and you won’t need to worry about sound distortion either. You also have the option to stream sound to just one hearing aid instead of both.
Talking on the phone will be easier as well, since Bluetooth will stream sound signals directly to the hearing aid. Data transmission goes straight to your ear, and when you hang up, you can switch your connected device to your TV or computer.
Hearing aids with Bluetooth also eliminate the need for headphones, since these hearing aids can act as earbuds for your music, podcasts or any other audio. You can think of your hearing aids like wireless earbuds and forget about headphone cords getting in the way. You’ll also save money – there’s no need to purchase a separate Bluetooth headset for hearing aid wearers.
Though Bluetooth is an advanced technology, you don’t have to be an expert to utilize Bluetooth connectivity with your hearing aids. To connect a device, look for the Bluetooth symbol found in a device’s settings, and make sure it’s turned on. Your hearing aid will be listed as one of the compatible devices, and all you have to do is click. Your hearing aids will then be able to connect to any of your other devices.
Bluetooth technology is safe, secure and reliable. With the help of hearing aids with Bluetooth, you’ll be able to make the most out of your relationships, stay productive at work and enjoy your downtime.