When it comes to hearing aids, are two better than one? There are a lot of things to consider when you’re purchasing hearing aids, but one of the biggest decisions to make is whether you should buy one or two.
Everyone's hearing needs are different, so you may wonder if you need one hearing aid or two. If you’re struggling with your hearing, your doctor or audiologist may recommend hearing aids—one or two—depending on your unique hearing loss. However, when you have hearing loss in both ears two are recommended. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons and benefits for the use of two hearing aids.
Though hearing loss often affects both ears to an extent, some people experience hearing loss one ear only. If you have difficulty hearing in one ear but your other ear is functioning properly, one hearing aid may be sufficient. However, consider this: When you experience vision loss in both eyes, you probably would not consider wearing a monocle. The same is true with hearing loss. Wearing one hearing aid would be similar to wearing a monocle.
It’s important to discuss your options with your hearing health care specialist and determine your best path of care.
The hearing care professionals at your local Miracle-Ear office can conduct a free hearing test and talk through all the options that are most suitable for your situation. Book an appointment at a Miracle-Ear Hearing Aid Center to get started.
Keep in mind that if cost is a concern for you, there are solutions that can fit both your budget and your needs If finances are standing between you and the hearing aids you need, check with the Miracle-Ear Foundation to see if you're eligible to receive free hearing aids.
Learn about Bluetooth hearing aids! With Bluetooth® technology, your hearing aids become a gateway to a richer life.