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Debunking hearing aid stigma

Last update on Sep, 02, 2020
Dr. Tom Tedeschi

Dr. Thomas Tedeschi, Au.D.

Chief Audiology Officer, Miracle-Ear

“My hearing test showed that I need hearing aids. But I’m afraid to take the leap because I don’t want people to know that I have a hearing problem. How can I convince myself to just do it?”

This is one of the top concerns people express to our Miracle-Ear hearing care professionals. People often forego treatment for hearing loss because of a perceived stigma against hearing aids. When counseling an individual such as yourself, I like to sum up the discussion this way:

Your untreated hearing loss is probably more obvious than the hearing aids you would wear in your ears.

Interestingly, many people with hearing loss don’t perceive how noticeable it is to others. The reason: Because hearing loss usually occurs so gradually, often over a period of years, people may not realize it’s happening to them. It isn’t so much hearing loss denial as it is a lack of perception.

How do you know if your hearing loss really needs amplification? There are several clues, such as frequently asking others to repeat themselves, having trouble understanding conversation in noise, turning up the TV or radio too loud for others, trying to read lips when people speak to you and avoiding social situations that you once enjoyed.

If you don’t recognize these signs of hearing loss, I encourage you to ask a close family member or friend to share his or her candid observations

Lastly, you should know that today’s Miracle-Ear hearing aids are smaller and more discreet than ever, thanks to advances in micro-technology. Chances are, nobody will ever notice them in your ears! While we don’t think there should be any sort of stigma around wearing hearing aids, it’s nice to know there is technology out there that is barely visible. 

An objective and honest assessment of your hearing loss is the best way to reassure yourself that you’re making the right decision. Whenever you’re ready to take the next step, your Miracle-Ear hearing care specialist will be ready to assist you.

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Meet a Provider: Dennis

When Dennis holds a hearing aid in his hand, he doesn’t just see a medical device; he sees a powerful solution to his patients’ needs.

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