Can rubbing alcohol treat ear conditions such as ear infections?

Last update on Oct, 21, 2024

Isopropyl alcohol also referred to as rubbing alcohol, finds all kinds of uses as a household supply, cleaning everything from stainless steel to makeup brushes. Available in 70% (the most common) and 99% dilutions, it’s a staple you always want to have on hand. But can you use it for your ears beyond keeping fresh piercings disinfected? Read on to find out more.

Dr. Tom Tedeschi

Reviewed by

Dr. Thomas Tedeschi, Au.D.

Chief Audiology Officer, Miracle-Ear

Can you put rubbing alcohol in your ear?

From cleaning to small medical issues, there are many reasons why people might consider using rubbing alcohol in their ears. You can put a small amount of rubbing alcohol mixed with white vinegar in your ear to help dry out moisture, such as water trapped after swimming.

However, it's not recommended to use rubbing alcohol if you have an ear infection, perforated eardrum, or earache, as it can cause irritation or worsen the condition. Always consult a doctor if you're unsure.

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Is it safe to put rubbing alcohol in your ear?

When it comes to putting rubbing alcohol in ears for cleaning purposes, it’s safe to do so as long as you do it correctly. Start by putting 2-3 drops in one ear, then hold your head to the side for a few minutes so the rubbing alcohol can clear out bacteria and earwax. Let it drain out, and then do the same for the other ear.

A mix of rubbing alcohol and vinegar for ear​s

Rubbing alcohol and vinegar can be used together as a remedy for ear issues, particularly for drying out trapped water and preventing infections. The combination works because rubbing alcohol evaporates quickly, while vinegar has antimicrobial properties that can help prevent bacterial growth.

When mixed, the solution can be effective for reducing moisture in the ear, especially after swimming or bathing. However, it's essential to use this remedy with caution. This mixture should not be used if there is an existing ear infection, a perforated eardrum, or any other ear-related conditions, as it could cause irritation or worsen the situation.

Isopropyl and rubbing alcohol for ears

Isopropyl alcohol and rubbing alcohol refer to the same substance, but there are some distinctions in terms of concentration and formulation. Isopropyl alcohol (IPA) is a colorless, flammable chemical compound with the formula C3H8O. It is commonly available in various concentrations, usually ranging from 70% to 99%.

Rubbing alcohol typically contains isopropyl alcohol diluted with water and may also include other additives to enhance its scent or antiseptic properties. The most common concentration for rubbing alcohol found in stores is around 70%, which is effective for disinfection purposes.

In summary, while isopropyl alcohol is the pure chemical compound, rubbing alcohol is a more diluted solution that often contains isopropyl alcohol as its primary ingredient.

Rubbing alcohol in ear

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Can rubbing alcohol damage your ear?

Yes, rubbing alcohol can potentially damage your ear if not used correctly. Here are some risks associated with using rubbing alcohol in the ear:

  • Irritation: Rubbing alcohol can cause irritation or a burning sensation in the ear canal, especially if there are any cuts or abrasions;
  • Dryness: While it can help dry out excess moisture, excessive use can lead to dryness and irritation of the ear canal;
  • Infection risk: If the skin inside the ear is damaged, using rubbing alcohol may increase the risk of infection;
  • Perforated eardrum: If there is a perforation in the eardrum, introducing rubbing alcohol can lead to more serious complications and should be avoided;
  • Tinnitus or hearing issues: In some cases, using alcohol in the ear can exacerbate tinnitus (ringing in the ears) or lead to temporary hearing issues.

When to put rubbing alcohol in your ear

You should only put rubbing alcohol in your ear in certain situations, including those listed below. 

Swimmer's ear is a painful condition that happens when water gets trapped in your ear and causes bacterial growth and infection, which can be eased by rubbing alcohol. Using rubbing alcohol for swimmer’s ear helps because the alcohol acts to dry out any water that might be in the ear. However, if you have symptoms of an infection like swimmer’s ear, you should see a doctor before treating it on your own.

Earwax—secretions from sebaceous glands, skin cells and other microscopic debris—acts as a natural, protective barrier between your ears and the outside world, but sometimes we produce too much. While putting rubbing alcohol in ears for wax removal won’t do much on its own, you can use it in combination with hydrogen peroxide.

The first step is to put drops of hydrogen peroxide, or a solution of water and hydrogen peroxide that is sold specifically for ear cleaning, into the ear. The solution will bubble and break up the wax. However, after the bubbles subside, water can be left in the ear. Flushing with rubbing alcohol will help dry the ear canal and avoid infection.  

If you have ear infection symptoms, it’s important to see a doctor before you put anything in your ears. That said, there is anecdotal evidence that using rubbing alcohol for ear infections (affecting the outer ear but not the middle ear) can help deter bacterial growth.

When it feels like your ears may be clogged, there might be an ear blockage affecting your ability to hear. Sometimes, blockages are caused by excess earwax, but cleaning ears with alcohol alone will not be effective. Use the combination of hydrogen peroxide and rubbing alcohol described above under “Earwax.” If you don’t notice a difference, see a hearing care specialist or a doctor to get your ears fully examined.

Rubbing alcohol can be an effective remedy for trapped water in the ear, as it helps to dry out moisture and can prevent infections. When used in a diluted form, such as mixing it with white vinegar, it can aid in evaporating the water.

However, it's essential to exercise caution. This method should not be used if there is an ear infection, a perforated eardrum, or other ear-related issues, as it can lead to irritation or complications.

Using rubbing alcohol for earaches can be a common remedy, but it’s essential to proceed with caution. Rubbing alcohol can help dry out excess moisture in the ear and may have antiseptic properties, but it is not a treatment for underlying causes of ear pain, such as infections or other medical conditions. Here are some important considerations regarding the use of rubbing alcohol for earaches:

  • Temporary relief: Rubbing alcohol may provide temporary relief by drying out moisture in the ear canal. However, it does not address the root cause of the earache;
  • Caution with use: Rubbing alcohol should not be used if there is a perforated eardrum, an ear infection, or any other significant ear problems, as it can cause irritation or worsen symptoms;
  • Consult a professional: If you experience persistent ear pain, it’s essential to consult a healthcare professional to determine the underlying cause and receive appropriate treatment.

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How to clean your ears with rubbing alcohol

Cleaning ears with alcohol is most useful when you want to tap into its antiseptic properties, such as when you have an infection like swimmer’s ear. Here's how to put rubbing alcohol in ear:

  1. Put 2-3 drops of rubbing alcohol in one ear;
  2. Tilt your head to the side so it doesn’t drain out;
  3. Wait several minutes;
  4. Drain your ear over the sink;
  5. Repeat on the other side.

If rubbing alcohol is too harsh for your ears, it can be mixed with equal parts white vinegar. Keep in mind that because rubbing alcohol has drying properties, using it too often can lead to inner ear dryness, flaking and itching. 

How long to leave rubbing alcohol in the ear​?

Doctor touching the throat of a patient

If using rubbing alcohol (typically as a mixture with vinegar) for ear cleaning or drying, it should be left in the ear for no more than a few minutes (1-2 minutes). The solution should then be drained by tilting the head to allow it to run out completely. Prolonged exposure may cause irritation, so it's important not to leave it in the ear for too long.

When to not put rubbing alcohol in your ear

While rubbing alcohol can help in the situations above, there are some situations where you should avoid using it and seek medical attention instead, including:

A middle ear infection is a more serious infection than something like swimmer’s ear. Often caused by bacteria or a virus associated with a cold or flu, middle ear infections should be treated by a doctor. Do not use rubbing alcohol for middle ear infections without consulting a doctor first.

A perforated eardrum is a hole in the eardrum, sometimes caused by things like a middle ear infection, air pressure changes, physical injury or even loud noises. Using rubbing alcohol with a tear in your eardrum is painful, can cause infection and should be avoided.

Other ear conditions and situations where rubbing alcohol should not be used include:

  • Vertigo and other inner ear conditions;
  • Hearing loss;
  • Following ear surgery;
  • Presence of a fever.
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Rubbing alcohol vs other ear cleaning methods

Rubbing alcohol isn’t the only method for cleaning your ears. Other options include the following:

Using hydrogen peroxide in ears—alone or as an ingredient in ear drops—is a commonly used method to clear out earwax. It can be especially helpful if you’re experiencing earwax impaction

Using apple cider vinegar for ear infections should only be done in the case of outer ear infections. If you’re unsure whether an infection is inner or outer ear, see a doctor first.

While apple cider vinegar will not cure ear infections, it can help kill bacteria in your ear. To use this method, mix the apple cider vinegar with equal parts warm water, place 5-10 drops in your ear, cover your ear and tilt your head to the side for several minutes.

There are various types of ear drops for ear infections. Many can be purchased over the counter, but antibacterial ear drops require a prescription. Follow the instructions included with the ear drops you choose or are prescribed.

Using saline solution for ears can be part of the process of clearing out excess earwax. It can be done in a hearing care professional’s office or using an at-home kit. 

Rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide for ears?

A person putting ear drops in the ear

When considering the use of rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide for ear care, each has its advantages and potential drawbacks:

  • Rubbing alcohol: Rubbing alcohol is often used to dry out moisture in the ear and prevent infections. Its quick evaporation helps eliminate trapped water after swimming or bathing. However, it can cause irritation, especially if the skin inside the ear is sensitive or if there are any cuts or abrasions;
  • Hydrogen peroxide: Hydrogen peroxide is commonly used for earwax removal and has mild antiseptic properties. It can help soften earwax, making it easier to remove. However, hydrogen peroxide can cause a bubbling sensation in the ear, which some people find uncomfortable. Like rubbing alcohol, it should not be used if there is a perforated eardrum or an existing ear infection.

Both rubbing alcohol and hydrogen peroxide can be effective for ear care, but their uses differ. Rubbing alcohol is primarily for drying out excess moisture, while hydrogen peroxide is more suitable for earwax removal. Always consult a healthcare professional before using either substance in the ear, especially if there are underlying ear conditions or concerns.

Tips for keeping ears healthy

The best way to avoid needing to use rubbing alcohol is to protect your ear health. Here are a few tips to keep your ears happy and healthy:

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Experiencing hearing concerns?

If you’re experiencing hearing issues or ear discomfort, set up a Miracle-Ear appointment to talk to a hearing care professional about your symptoms and concerns.

When to see a doctor for ear pain

Using rubbing alcohol on your ears isn’t a universal solution. If you’re experiencing the following symptoms, contact your doctor.

  • Severe fever;
  • Severe pain;
  • Hearing loss;
  • Swelling around the ear;
  • Liquid draining from the ear;
  • No symptom improvement after 2–3 days.

FAQs about rubbing alcohol for ears

No, rubbing alcohol won’t treat an ear infection. It can irritate the ear and potentially cause more damage. It's best to seek proper medical treatment for infections.

Yes, rubbing alcohol can help remove water from the ears by drying out the moisture. A mixture of rubbing alcohol and white vinegar is often recommended for this.

Yes, rubbing alcohol, mixed with vinegar, can help prevent and treat swimmer's ear by keeping the ear canal dry and reducing bacteria. However, it’s advisable to use it carefully or consult a doctor.

No, using rubbing alcohol for an earache is not recommended as it can irritate the sensitive tissues in the ear and worsen the pain. Consult a healthcare provider for proper remedies.

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