Swollen lymph nodes behind the ear: Causes & treatment

What causes a swollen lymph node behind the ear?
Last update on Jul, 08, 2024
Dr. Tom Tedeschi

Reviewed by

Dr. Thomas Tedeschi, Au.D.

Chief Audiology Officer, Miracle-Ear

Where are lymph nodes found?

Lymph nodes are small bean-shaped organs, about 1 cm in size, located throughout the body. They are part of the lymphatic system and work in conjunction with the immune system to fight off pathogens. The functions of the lymph nodes include filtering the lymph and are characterized by the presence of white blood cells, which are useful in fighting diseases. The lymph nodes behind the ear are located on the temporal bone and under the posterior auricular muscle. If they are swollen, you can feel them behind the ear with your fingers.

Usually, a healthy person's lymph nodes are not detectable. Swollen lymph nodes are perceptible to the touch and might cause a slight pain. When you touch them you can feel a bump under the skin. If you feel this bump, this may be a sign that there is an infection of some kind in the affected area. In fact, the lymph nodes often fight against infectious agents. If this is the case, the area may also be red and warm to the touch.

The lymph nodes behind the ear should cause concern when the size of their diameter increases above 2 centimeters, reaching up to 3 centimeters (above 1 centimeter we speak simply of reactive lymph nodes). If the swelling, regardless of size, does not subside over three weeks and there is no indication of infection, you should visit a doctor.
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Causes: Why do lymph nodes behind the ears hurt and swell?

What causes swollen lymph nodes behind the ear? A swollen lymph node at the back of the ear may be a sign that there is an infection in the affected area. You may suffer from a bacterial, viral, or fungal infection in the ear, throat or eye. The infections that may affect the lymph nodes behind the ear are:

  • Bacterial infection of the pharynx, tonsils or larynx;
  • Gum inflammation, tooth abscess;
  • Infection in the ear, i.e. otitis media;
  • Fungal infections in or around the head that cause itching of the scalp or hair loss;
  • AIDS and HIV;
  • Mononucleosis;
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.

An ear infection can lead to a swollen lymph node. When the ear becomes infected, the body's immune response kicks in, causing nearby lymph nodes, such as those behind the ear, to swell as they work to filter out the infection.

This swelling is a sign that the body is actively fighting off the infection. Symptoms accompanying an ear infection may include ear pain, hearing loss, fluid drainage, and fever. If you notice persistent swelling or other concerning symptoms, it's important to seek medical attention to properly diagnose and treat the infection.

Earache accompanied by swollen lymph nodes in the neck area can indicate various underlying conditions. When experiencing ear pain, particularly alongside swollen lymph nodes in the neck, it often suggests an infection or inflammation affecting the ear, throat, or nearby structures.

Swollen lymph nodes in the neck typically enlarge in response to infection, as they play a crucial role in filtering and fighting off bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens. The presence of neck pain suggests that the inflammation or infection may be affecting deeper tissues or structures, possibly extending from the ear or throat. If these symptoms persist or worsen, seeking medical attention is advisable for accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Swollen lymph nodes can sometimes be associated with symptoms of clogged ears. When lymph nodes around the ear or neck area swell, it's often due to an immune response to an infection or inflammation nearby.

This can sometimes coincide with sensations of ear fullness or clogged ears, especially if the underlying cause affects the ear canal, middle ear, or nearby sinuses.

Lymph node behind the ear

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Symptoms: How do I know if my lymph nodes are swollen?

Swollen lymph nodes behind the ear can be temporary or chronic. Symptoms can be different and vary in severity depending on the cause, the most common symptoms of swollen lymph nodes are:

  • Swelling;
  • Possible pain on palpation and pain behind the ear;
  • Reddened and overheated skin.

Other symptoms associated with swollen lymph nodes behind the ear may occur in the mouth or throat, like cough, sore throat, jaw pain and toothache. In addition, fever, fatigue, and ear pain may occur.

Lymph node swelling may occur only on one side of the body.  This is referred to as localized swelling and may indicate an infection or allergic reaction occurring on that same side of the body. 

Swollen lymph nodes are more likely to be benign than malignant. A lymph node can only be determined to be malignant with a biopsy and pathology exame performed by a physician. Benign lymph nodes don't contain cancer cells, while malignant ones do. For swollen lymph nodes, some potential signs they can be malignant are:

  • The lymph nodes are larger than one centimeter;
  • The lymph nodes have been swollen for more than three weeks;
  • The swelling has appeared suddenly and the gland feels hard to the touch, with or without pain;
  • The skin in the affected area is red, itchy, or overheated;
  • Unexplained weight loss;
  • Fever, night sweats and persistent fatigue;
  • Shortness of breath.

If you note any of these symptoms, please see your doctor immediately.

Swollen lymph node and ear pain on one side

A swollen lymph node behind only the right or left ear. A swollen lymph node behind one ear can be caused by several localized conditions:

  • Ear infection: An infection in the ear, such as otitis media or otitis externa, can cause nearby lymph nodes to swell;
  • Skin or scalp infection: Infections on the scalp or skin, such as dermatitis or fungal infections, can lead to swelling of lymph nodes behind the ear;
  • Dental issues: Infections or abscesses in the teeth or gums can cause lymph nodes near the affected area to swell;
  • Localized skin conditions: Acne, cysts, or insect bites on the side of the head or neck can result in a swollen lymph node behind the ear.

If the swelling persists for more than a few weeks or is accompanied by other symptoms like fever, weight loss, or night sweats, it’s important to seek medical advice.

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Treatment of abnormal lymph nodes behind ear

In most cases, swollen lymph nodes resolve on their own within a few days/weeks without complications. If treatment is required, a physician must first determine the cause of the swollen lymph node.

For an acute infection, anti-inflammatory drugs (such as NSAIDs), warm compresses and rest accompanied by antibiotics, when necessary, are often sufficient.

Lymph node abscesses may require surgical drainage. Swollen lymph nodes caused by inflammation or autoimmune disorders are treated with anti-inflammatory drugs such as NSAIDs, cortisone or other types of immunomodulators can be used.

FAQs about swollen lymph nodes at the back of the ear

Lymph nodes should usually reduce in size within two-three weeks. For this reason, if the swelling of the nodes persists for more than two to three weeks, the affected person should book an appointment with the doctor, even if the nodes are not sensitive to pressure or pain.

Swollen lymph nodes can also occur in babies, but this is usually harmless, in most cases they have an infectious origin and resolve in a few weeks. They can be caused by bacteria (staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus pyogenes or cat or dog scratch disease) or viruses (cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex, hepatitis B).

An appointment with the pediatrician is necessary if lymph nodes are larger than two centimeters, increase in size for more than two weeks, do not to resolve completely after 2-3 months and if the child suffers from fever, weight loss or night sweats.

Swollen lymph nodes behind ear or in your neck can be a symptom of Covid-19, as when the virus creates upper respiratory tract infections, the lymph nodes in the neck and in front of the ear are the first to respond to the virus.

This type of lymph node swelling is usually not dangerous and will go away on its own. Rarely will they lead to infections or other complications.

Yes, an ear infection can cause swollen lymph nodes. When you have an ear infection, especially a middle ear infection (otitis media) or an outer ear infection (otitis externa), the nearby lymph nodes in the neck and around the ear can become swollen.

This is because the lymphatic system, which includes lymph nodes, plays a crucial role in your body's immune response. The lymph nodes help to filter out and trap bacteria, viruses, and other foreign substances, and they can become enlarged and tender as they produce more white blood cells to fight the infection.

Yes, swollen lymph nodes behind the ear can be painful. When lymph nodes near the ear or in the neck become enlarged and inflamed due to an infection or other causes, they can put pressure on surrounding tissues and nerves, resulting in discomfort or pain that may radiate to the ear.

This is often because the lymph nodes are reacting to an infection in nearby areas, such as the throat, sinuses, or ears themselves.

Yes, wisdom teeth can cause swollen lymph nodes behind the ear. When wisdom teeth are impacted or infected, they can lead to inflammation and infection in the surrounding tissues.

This infection can spread to the lymph nodes, causing them to swell as they work to filter out the infection and produce immune cells to fight it. The lymph nodes behind the ear (posterior auricular lymph nodes) and in the neck are often affected in such cases.

Yes, fluid in the ear can cause swollen lymph nodes. The presence of fluid in the ear, often a result of an infection such as otitis media (middle ear infection) or otitis externa (outer ear infection), can lead to inflammation and an immune response in the body.

This response often involves the lymphatic system, causing nearby lymph nodes, such as those around the ear and neck, to swell.

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