More than 50 million people experience tinnitus, but it sounds different to everyone. Exploring the causes, signs and treatment options of pulsatile tinnitus can help you better understand how tinnitus impacts hearing health.
Do you experience tinnitus, the perception of sound when there’s none present? It can manifest as a number of different sounds, most commonly buzzing or ringing. But if you’re living with pulsatile tinnitus, it sounds like a whooshing or thumping in your ear. Not only can this be annoying, but it can also be a symptom of a larger hearing health concern. Let’s explore some of the big questions around this type of tinnitus to clarify why it’s different, what to look for and how to cope with it.
Because pulsatile tinnitus is caused by underlying health conditions, getting rid of the thumping sound in your ear requires treatment of the ailment in question. Here are a few pulsatile tinnitus treatment options:
Medication can be used to address heart disease, high blood pressure and anemia.
Surgery can be used to correct any physical abnormalities in the ears.
Self-management and lifestyle changes like sound therapy and noise-suppression devices, or exercise and smoking cessation, can be built into your daily routine to alleviate symptoms.
Discuss your symptoms with your doctor to better understand how pulsatile tinnitus is affecting your health and what treatment options might be most beneficial to you.
Have more questions about pulsatile tinnitus? Book an appointment with a hearing care professional at your local Miracle-Ear today. They can help you get to the root cause of the issue and ensure that you’re getting the right treatment.