Sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) is the most common category of hearing loss to affect otherwise healthy adults. It occurs when there is a problem with the inner ear―most often the cochlea or associated structures―or the hearing nerve pathway that connects the inner ear to the brain. SNHL is usually permanent and irreversible, however it is generally treatable with hearing aids.
Early signs of sensorineural hearing loss include:
During professional hearing assessments, most patients describe a sensation of diminished hearing. Other common complaints include a plugged-up feeling in their ear canal, ringing in the ears and vertigo or balance problems.
As mentioned above, sensorineural hearing loss is generally the result of damage to the structures of the inner ear, which process soundwaves and turn them into electrical signals, and/or the auditory nerve pathway along which those signals are sent to the brain for interpretation. The damage can occur suddenly—either instantaneously or over the course of a few days—in a condition known as sudden sensorineural hearing loss. Let’s take a look at what can cause that kind of damage:
Exposure to loud noises can be another one of the causes of sensorineural hearing loss. Sudden loud noises, such as gunshots or explosions, can lead to immediate damage. But it’s also important to be aware that exposure to high decibel levels over long periods of time, whether in a noisy workplace or even through overuse of headphones or earbuds at high volumes, causes damage to the inner ear.
Limiting your exposure to sounds over 85 decibels and wearing hearing protection when you know you’ll be in loud environments can help protect your hearing over the long term.
Sensorineural hearing loss can be categorized in a few different ways:
When comparing the differences between conductive vs. sensorineural hearing loss, the differentiating factors are the causes and the location of the problem. Conductive hearing loss is attributed to causes that prevent sound from moving through the outer and middle ear for processing. Those could include a ruptured eardrum or, more commonly, blockages like earwax or fluid buildup, the presence of foreign objects or congenital deformities.
On the other hand, sensorineural hearing loss occurs in the inner ear and is caused by damage to the anatomy that links the ears to the brain in the process of interpreting sound.
If you’ve noticed signs of hearing loss, even subtle ones, it’s a good idea to take a hearing test. An online hearing test can help determine whether you should go in for an in-person hearing test. A sensorineural hearing loss diagnosis can really only be done in person with a hearing care professional who’s trained to distinguish between types and degrees of hearing loss. They will administer a few painless tests, described below, to determine your level of hearing loss.
If you think you or a loved one may be experiencing hearing loss, schedule a free exam with a Miracle-Ear hearing specialist today.
Getting an in-person hearing test is one of the most important things you can do if you suspect you have hearing loss. During the test, a hearing care professional will examine your ears and conduct sound tests, including pure tone audiometry and speech discrimination.
Pure tone audiometry is the most common way that SNHL is diagnosed. It’s a type of hearing test conducted by a hearing specialist using a device known as an audiometer. You will listen to a range of sounds played through the audiometer and indicate which ones you can hear by pressing a button. The results of the test are presented as a graph known as an audiogram (see below).
In a speech discrimination test, you will be asked to repeat words that are said to you. Your hearing care specialist will interpret the combined results of these tests, as well as findings from the physical exam, in offering solutions and guiding your next steps toward better hearing. You can make an appointment online or by phone, or simply stop in to any of Miracle-Ear’s 1,500 neighborhood locations nationwide.
An audiogram is a graph that shows the results of your hearing test, visually plotting out your ability to hear variations in the intensity and pitch of sounds, as well as different frequencies. The X (horizontal) axis represents frequency and the Y (vertical) axis represents intensity.
You’ll see a variety of marks and lines on your audiogram; some will differentiate your right ear from your left ear, and others will indicate bone conduction (sound perceived through bone) versus air conduction (sound perceived through the air). A sensorineural hearing loss audiogram will differ from a conductive hearing loss audiogram, and your hearing care professional at Miracle-Ear is an expert at interpreting the subtleties of the results. Based on that information, they will help you find solutions that address your unique hearing loss.
A Rinne test is an effective, quick method for testing for conductive hearing loss and is typically done in conjunction with a Weber test. In this test, which is done one ear at a time, a vibrating tuning fork is placed perpendicular to the head on the mastoid process (the bony protrusion at the base of the skull behind the ear).
The tester asks you to indicate when you can no longer hear the sound coming from the fork, then moves the fork parallel to your ear. You will then be asked again to state when you can no longer hear the vibration. The test is intended to determine whether you can hear better via air conduction or bone conduction; if bone conduction is better, it suggests that there is conductive hearing loss.
Although sensorineural hearing loss is generally permanent, there are a number of treatment options available that will allow you to continue fully participating in your life.
The best type of hearing aid for sensorineural hearing loss will depend on a number of factors, including how severe your loss is.
The most powerful kind of hearing aids are typically behind-the-ear (BTE) models, which house all of the components in a small shell that fits behind the ear and connects to an earpiece. Receiver-in-canal (RIC) models are the most popular because of their blend of discreet size, comfort and versatility; they can be used by people with hearing loss that ranges from mild to severe.
The most discreet models, known as in-the-ear (ITE) or completely-in-canal (CIC) are barely visible but still provide powerful assistance for people with mild-to-moderate hearing loss.
Auditory training, or auditory rehabilitation, has long been a part of post-surgical care for people with cochlear implants, helping them to adapt to their improved ability to hear. However, more recently, scientists are exploring how it might also help hearing aid wearers and improve their experience.
A 2020 review of studies indicated that a combination of hearing aids and auditory training could be a helpful approach to improving communication skills. This approach is still relatively new and there are still questions about long-term efficacy for hearing aid wearers, but initial results show some promise.
Get quick answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about sensorineural hearing loss.