7726 Hoke Rd
Englewood, OH 45315
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Schedule your free hearing test.
Miracle-Ear believes each customer should be able to realize the full potential of their passions, relationships and life, and we're proud to be with them every step of the way. What's most important to us is the relationships we're able to build with each customer. Take a look at how we do so.
Almost 48 million Americans experience some level of hearing loss*. You can make an appointment with a hearing care specialist to have a thorough checkup, and you can also visit our hearing aid center to have a free hearing test.**
It's time to schedule an appointment if:
You frequently ask people to repeat themselves
You feel apprehensive about new social situations because of trouble hearing
You feel like people are often mumbling
You have a family history of hearing loss
Tell us about your experience with this center.