Are your hearing aids not working? Here are several problems that could affect the sound functionality of your hearing aids, plus troubleshooting tips to fix these issues.
Your hearing aids are important tools that allow you to stay connected to the people and activities that matter most. However, as attentively as you might care for them, it’s still possible to experience technical difficulties with your hearing aids. Review this hearing aid troubleshooting checklist to address some of the common issues that can affect the functionality of your hearing aids.
Did you put on your devices and notice your hearing aids are not working? Go through the following checklist as you examine your devices to determine what might be causing the issue:
There could be several causes behind weak sound amplification or any hearing aid voice distortion. Below are some possible causes and solutions.
Hearing aid feedback occurs when sound waves that have already been amplified by the device escape the ear canal and are picked up again by the hearing aid microphone, causing the sound to be reamplified. Here are some possible causes and solutions for hearing aid feedback.
If you find yourself struggling to hear sounds through your hearing aids, take the following steps to determine what might be at the root of the problem.
Filtering out background noise and focusing on just one conversation in the middle of a noisy space isn’t always the easiest task—especially if you have hearing loss. Most modern hearing aids have technology that helps filter out background noise, but if you notice that your hearing aids are picking up too much noise, take the following steps to troubleshoot the problem.
Your hearing aids’ batteries may also be at the root of a problem with your hearing aids. Review these common hearing aid battery problems and solutions to fix your hearing aids.
Have you recently replaced your battery and your hearing aids still aren’t working? If your hearing aids use disposable batteries, make sure that the door to the battery compartment is fully closed and that the metal prongs of the compartment are actually making contact with the batteries. Check that the battery is activated and the sticker is removed. Once the sticker is removed to activate the fresh battery, wait a few minutes before inserting the battery back into your hearing aids.
If you continue to have problems with your hearing aids not working with new batteries, make an appointment with your hearing care professional.
Over time, your hearing aid batteries will naturally wear out and need to be replaced. However, if you notice your hearing aid battery draining faster than normal, it may be time to check your devices. Whether you use disposable or rechargeable batteries, here are some causes of quickly draining hearing aid batteries.
Rechargeable hearing aids offer flexibility and convenience for many hearing aid users, but it’s still possible to run into some issues. If you notice your hearing aids not charging, check to make sure that they are sitting correctly in the charging dock. Use a dry cloth to gently wipe away any additional dust, dirt or debris in the dock.
Check that the charger itself is fully charged or properly plugged into a power source to keep your charging dock running smoothly. If you continue to have problems with your device, discuss your concerns with your hearing care professional.
If you notice your hearing aids aren’t properly syncing via Bluetooth or to other devices, try these troubleshooting tips to connect hearing aids once again.
Specific devices may have different instructions for connecting to Bluetooth, but if you’re struggling to connect your hearing aids, take the following steps to determine a solution:
If you’re still unable to connect your hearing aids to a Bluetooth-compatible device, try turning off the device’s Bluetooth signals or the hearing aids themselves and attempt to pair again. If the problem persists, speak to your hearing care professional.
Connecting your phone via Bluetooth allows you to listen to stream audio from your phone more clearly and effectively—whether for phone calls, listening to music or watching videos. If you’re running into difficulties connecting your hearing aids to your phone, check out our tips for connecting your hearing aids to your Apple or Android smartphone. You can also review the hearing aid app troubleshooting steps below to ensure your device is fully connected to your hearing aids.
Sometimes, you may run into issues with hearing aids that can’t be solved with quick troubleshooting. If you notice significant moisture damage, problems with the hearing aid’s structure or equipment, or you’re just unsure of how best to address questions with your hearing aids, talk with a licensed hearing care professional at your local Miracle-Ear hearing aid center. They will be able to look over your devices and provide next steps to solving any problems with your hearing aids.
Book an appointment today with one of our licensed hearing care professionals at a Miracle-Ear hearing aid center near you.