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How to Talk About Hearing Loss

Talk to your loved ones about their hearing loss.

Learn how you can start the conversation about hearing loss with your loved ones

It can be difficult to communicate with a loved one about their hearing troubles. Hearing loss affects individuals in a wide variety of ways. Often, early hearing loss symptoms occur gradually, so your loved one might not even realize it's getting worse. Hearing loss can impact relationships and talking to a loved one about their hearing loss can be an emotional conversation. Use our free conversation guide to prepare yourself and make sure that you're able to get help for your loved ones.

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Tips to make hearing loss discussions easier.

Even before you are ready to have the hard conversation, don’t hesitate to ask what can make communication easier in their everyday life. Should you go to a quieter place for dinner? Do they need to turn down the background music when you talk? Having this kind of dialogue regularly can take a great deal of the stress away for both of you as well as remove the taboo of the subject.

Be sure to find a quiet, well-lit place without distractions or background noise. This will enable the other person to have full access to all the listening skills he or she has developed. It will also minimize distractions and enable both of you to concentrate on your discussion.

Hearing loss can make quite an impact on a person throughout the day. Your loved one might have a headache from straining to hear all day at the office or might be aggravated that everyone around them is mumbling. Try not to leave the conversation until late in the day, when the stress of living with hearing loss has already taken its toll. Consider broaching the topic of their hearing loss early in the day on a low-stress day off. 

Many individuals with hearing loss automatically begin to read the lips of the people with whom they are speaking. So, be sure to face your loved one directly and speak clearly and naturally. Don’t chew gum or attempt to talk with food in your mouth, as it will distort the shape of your lips and make interpreting more difficult.

While hearing loss is an emotional subject, bringing up factual points can help avoid those emotional minefields. Bring up specific symptoms you’ve noticed. Highlight facts about how common hearing loss is, and how easy it could be to address. Be sure to position all this as an observation, rather than an accusation. After all, this conversation comes from love, not blame.

Once you’ve stated your case, don’t rush to define a set diagnosis. This is where an evaluation from a licensed professional comes into play. These evaluations are free, simple and encouraged for anyone over 50 as part of their annual check-up.

If your loved one displays symptoms of hearing loss, they may be experiencing a lot of different emotional turmoil. They might not be quite ready to act or need additional time to process. Encourage them to pay attention to their behavior and see if they notice the same things you’re seeing. Give them some time to be a bit more aware and try having the conversation again in a few months. Hearing loss can be an emotional journey and it often takes many years until a person is ready to ask for help. Taking a respectful approach to the touchy nature of the topic and offering sincere support can help shorten the process and get your loved ones closer to hearing better days.

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It can be difficult to communicate with a loved one about their hearing troubles. Use our free conversation guide to prepare yourself and make sure that you're able to get help for your loved ones.

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