Going to a concert, whether you’re an avid attendee or the musician up on stage, is a fun way to engage with the music and people you love. You might enjoy an evening at the symphony, or getting to see your favorite heavy metal band with old friends. Often times, the dynamics are what make the concert so enjoyable, even if your ears are ringing after the event. You might start with a quiet introduction and then find yourself enjoying a loud crescendo and dancing away. However, what’s considered too loud and potentially harmful to your ears? Let’s explore concert ear protection and musician ear protection a bit more.
Loud noises can severely damage your hearing if you aren’t taking preventative measures to protect your ears. Nearly 10 million Americans have experienced noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) and about 40 million adults have experienced hearing loss due to loud noise exposure. While these statistics are certainly alarming, it’s important to know you have options to keep your hearing safe and prevent different types of hearing loss.
Let’s begin with decibels. Decibels are a measurement of sound—the larger the noise, the larger the decibel. When it comes to knowing whether you need concert ear protection, for example, researchers have already figured out at what decibel you can experience permanent hearing loss. That number is 85. An extended or repeated exposure of 85 decibels (dB) or anything above can cause permanent hearing loss and damage.
Musicians and concertgoers can take preventative measures to ensure they are taking care of their health and staying mindful of decibel levels at events. If you’re a full-time musician, you likely consider your hearing health to be an important part of your overall wellness. Thus, asking questions about how to maintain healthy noise levels in your environment, or being prepared with the tools you need to protect your hearing, can empower you to make the best decisions for you.
Live music can easily reach or go above 100 dB, which means your hearing health can easily be at risk at your average concert. Consider investing in custom earplugs, discussing noise levels with those around you, or picking up noise-cancelling headphones. These options will still allow you to enjoy the music and the sound from your concert, without sacrificing potential damage to your hearing.
For more information on topics such as these, or if you’re interested in exploring products such as hearing aids, be sure to further explore our site. We discuss healthy hearing tips and offer guidance to navigate hearing loss and more.
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