Understanding insurance and hearing aids: A complete guide

Last update on Oct, 03, 2024

“Does insurance cover hearing aids?” It’s a common question. But the answer can be somewhat complicated. Read our guide to hearing aids and insurance to better understand what your options are and get tips to affordably access the hearing care you need. 

Dr. Tom Tedeschi

Dr. Thomas Tedeschi, Au.D.

Chief Audiology Officer, Miracle-Ear

  • Most private insurance does not cover hearing aids, but seems to be evolving
  • Original Medicare does not cover hearing aids, but some Medicare Advantage (Medicare Part C) plans do
  • Whether hearing aids are covered by Medicaid varies by state
  • If your insurance doesn’t cover hearing aids, there are still options to make them more accessible, including payment plans and using HSA/FSA funds
  • There can be upsides to purchasing hearing aids without the limitations put in place by some insurance plans, including greater freedom to select your hearing care professional and which models you want to buy

Are hearing aids covered by insurance?

While the question is a simple one, the answer is anything but straightforward. Whether hearing aids are covered by insurance depends on multiple factors, including your age and health conditions, the details of your personal insurance plan, the state where you live and more. In this guide, we’ll help you understand a bit more about situations in which hearing aids might be covered, as well as how you can save money if they’re not.

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Are hearing aids covered by private insurance?

Hearing aid insurance coverage is relatively rare among private plans, but to understand your particular coverage, you should speak to a plan administrator or your HR department if you get insurance through your employer. Some plans might cover hearing aids for children but not adults, and if there is coverage for adults, it might come in the form of a set amount or an allowance that is only usable with a particular provider.

Some states have mandates that require private insurance to cover hearing aids for children, while others have insurance mandates for both children and adults.

These states have a hearing aid insurance coverage mandate for both children and adults:

  • Arkansas
  • Connecticut
  • Illinois
  • Maine
  • Minnesota
  • New Hampshire
  • Rhode Island
  • Vermont
  • Washington

However, keep in mind that there are some exceptions to these mandates, such as self-insured or out-of-state plans, so you need to check your personal coverage to see if you qualify.

A larger number of states mandate hearing aid insurance coverage for children:

  • Colorado
  • Delaware
  • Georgia
  • Kentucky
  • Louisiana
  • Maryland 
  • Massachusetts
  • Missouri
  • Montana
  • New Jersey
  • New Mexico
  • North Carolina 
  • Oklahoma Oregon
  • Tennessee
  • Texas
  • Vermont
  • Virginia
  • Wisconsin (also includes cochlear implants for children)

As the importance of hearing health has become better understood, many people have asked “Why are hearing aids not covered by insurance?” So, the number of state mandates has grown, and there are more bills in other states,such as Ohio, that have been introduced but are waiting to be passed or enacted.

Are hearing aids covered by Medicaid?

Another common question is, “Does Medicaid cover hearing aids?” The answer to that question also varies by state, as each has its own Medicaid program that works within federal guidelines. Whether you can get coverage for hearing aids depends on whether you meet specific criteria, outlined below.

  • Age: Children are more likely to be covered, but some states might cover adults with particular conditions.
  • Medical necessity: A licensed audiologist or physician might be required to determine that hearing aids are medically necessary for you.
  • Income and other eligibility factors: Whether you qualify is based on both income (Medicaid is designed for low-income people) and other things like family size and disability status.
  • State-specific policies: Because each state’s Medicaid program is different, hearing aid coverage—as well as specifics about how often they can be replaced and service coverage for fittings and follow-up care—will vary.

To get precise information, it's best to check with the Medicaid office in your state or consult with a healthcare provider familiar with Medicaid policies.

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Where are children’s and adults’ hearing aids covered by Medicaid?

Does Medicaid cover hearing aids? Because of the state-by-state differences, it’s essential that you find out exactly what coverage looks like where you live. However, in these states, Medicaid offers some form of hearing aid coverage for both children and adults:

  • California
  • Connecticut
  • Florida
  • Hawaii
  • Illinois
  • Indiana[1]
  • Kansas[2]
  • Louisiana
  • Maine
  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts[3]
  • Michigan[4]
  • Minnesota
  • Mississippi
  • Missouri[5]
  • Montana[6]
  • Nebraska
  • Nevada
  • New Hampshire
  • New Mexico[7]
  • New York
  • North Dakota
  • Ohio[8]
  • Oregon
  • Rhode Island[9]
  • Vermont
  • Virginia
  • Washington
  • Wisconsin[10]
  • Wyoming

Where are children’s hearing aids covered by Medicaid?

Medicaid covers hearing aids for children in all of the above states, plus the following states where coverage is limited to children:

  • Alabama
  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • Colorado
  • Delaware
  • Georgia[11]
  • Idaho
  • Iowa
  • New Jersey[12]
  • North Carolina
  • Oklahoma
  • Pennsylvania
  • South Carolina[13]
  • South Dakota
  • Tennessee
  • Texas
  • West Virginia

Utah does not cover hearing aids for either adults or children, but has the Children’s Hearing Aid Program (CHAP)[14], under the Department of Health and Human Services, which provides hearing aids to qualifying children. Priority is given to children 5 and under, but those ages 6-17 may also qualify when funding is available.

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Are hearing aids covered by Medicare?

Wondering whether Medicare covers hearing aids? Original Medicare does not cover. However, Medicare Advantage (or Medicare Part C) plans might include hearing aid coverage—check your plan details or speak with an agent to make sure you know the details.

Who is more likely to be covered by insurance?

There are so many factors that affect hearing aid insurance coverage—no wonder it can be confusing. In general, however, there are a few groups of people who may be more likely to have coverage:

  • Children: Given the importance of hearing in brain development, it’s more common for their hearing assistive devices to be covered for children.
  • Medicare Part C plan holders: If you choose to purchase a Medicare Advantage (Medicare Part C) plan, you’ll have the option to select one that provides the amount of hearing care coverage that you want.
  • People with certain medical conditions: In many cases, qualification for insurance coverage—even with Medicaid—depends on the medical necessity of hearing aids.

How to afford hearing aids without insurance

Wondering how to afford hearing aids without insurance? The good news is that you have options—and you might even find some upsides to buying without the complexity of insurance. From tapping into tax-advantaged savings accounts to payment plans and retailer sales, there are ways to save money while still getting the hearing care you need.

If you’re shopping for hearing aids without insurance, think long-term and find out what you’re getting for your investment. Some options that have lower prices up front might have hidden or added costs for maintenance and care, while others have future costs already factored in. 

Hearing aids are FSA eligible and you can use your HSA for hearing aids.

Health savings accounts (HSA) are a tax-advantaged financial tool designed to save and pay for a wide range of medical expenses. Keep in mind that HSAs are only available in combination with high-deductible healthcare plans (HDHP).

The other option, a flexible spending account (FSA) is an employer-sponsored benefit that lets you set aside pre-tax dollars to cover certain out-of-pocket medical expenses.

Like HSAs, FSAs are a way to reduce taxable income while setting aside money for qualifying medical expenses.

Hearing aid payment plans are available for those who prefer to or need to pay over time. Interest rates vary depending on your credit score, and plans are subject to approval, as with any other payment plan. You can typically select the term of the plan (e.g. from 12 to 60 months), depending on how much you want your monthly payments to be. If you do opt for a payment plan, look for one that has no application fee and no prepayment penalty. Miracle-Ear offers these features, as well as waived interest promotions and the ability to apply in minutes.
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Why choose Miracle-Ear hearing aids

At Miracle-Ear, you’ll get support throughout your hearing journey, including finding an affordable solution to get the care you need. Even if your hearing aids aren’t covered by insurance, the Miracle-Ear Advantage ensures that you get the most for your money with a wider range of choices, more flexibility and long-term personal care, plus upfront, what-you-see-is-what-you-get pricing.

In many cases, insurance puts limits on what kind of hearing aids you can buy and where you can buy them. Without those limitations, there’s more freedom of choice in finding the hearing aids that fit your hearing needs and your style. Plus, you can select the location that’s most convenient for you and book an appointment within days, not weeks or months.

Whether they pop up suddenly or add up over time, hidden fees and added charges can put unwanted strain on your budget. Because future checkups, cleanings, repairs and maintenance are all included in your purchase price, Miracle-Ear’s hearing aids offer exceptional price transparency as well as the promise of a worry-free future. Most Miracle-Ear hearing aids also come with an industry-leading 3-year warranty*.

There’s nothing that comes between you and your care team at Miracle-Ear. Instead of working through a middleman, you get a one-on-one partnership with an expert hearing care professional (HCP) who gets to know your hearing personally. 
hearing care professional at store

Need help with your hearing device?

If you’re ready to take the next step toward better hearing, make an appointment at a Miracle-Ear hearing aid center near you. Our HCPs can help you navigate the sometimes tricky landscape of hearing aid insurance coverage and identify ways for you to save money while getting the devices that are right for you.

[1] Prior authorization is required for adults and coverage may be limited. https://www.in.gov/medicaid/providers/files/modules/hearing-services.pdf

[2] Coverage is limited for adults; certain criteria must be met. https://portal.kmap-state-ks.us/Documents/Provider/Bulletins/Audiology%2007-03.pdf


[3] Coverage is limited for adults; certain criteria must be met and prior authorization is required. https://www.mass.gov/doc/130-cmr-416-hearing-instrument-specialist-services/download#:~:text=The%20MassHealth%20agency%20requires%20prior,cost%20of%20the%20hearing%20aid

[4] Coverage is limited for adults; certain criteria must be met. https://www.michigan.gov/-/media/Project/Websites/mdhhs/Folder4/Folder18/Folder3/Folder118/Folder2/Folder218/Folder1/Folder318/Hearing_Services_and_Devices_Presentation.pdf?rev=4f624a159dc2443e80f09f3353670e51

[5] Adult coverage is limited to those who are pregnant, blind or living in a skilled nursing facility. https://mydss.mo.gov/media/pdf/hearing-aid-manual

[6] Certain criteria must be met for adults and prior authorization is required. https://medicaidprovider.mt.gov/09

[7] Coverage for adults is usually just for one hearing aid. https://unmhealth.org/services/audiology/hearing-aids.html

[8] Coverage for adults is usually limited to one hearing aid. https://medicaid.ohio.gov/families-and-individuals/srvcs/professional-medical-services

[9] Prior authorization required. https://eohhs.ri.gov/ProvidersPartners/ProviderManualsGuidelines/MedicaidProviderManual/DME/CoverageGuidelinesforDurableMedicalEquipment.aspx

[10] Coverage for adults may be available with certain types of Medicaid coverage. https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/odhh/hearingaids/financial-assist.htm

[11] The Georgia Hearing Aid Distribution Program is not part of Medicaid but makes it possible for people of all ages (who meet certain criteria) to receive hearing aids. https://psc.ga.gov/utilities/telecommunications/georgia-hearing-aid-distribution-program/

[12] New Jersey’s Hearing Aid Assistance to the Aged and Disabled program may provide financial assistance to those who qualify. https://www.nj.gov/humanservices/ddhh/services/hearingaid/haaad/

[13] Coverage for adults may be available with certain types of Medicaid coverage. https://dph.sc.gov/health-wellness/child-teen-health/services-children-and-youth-special-health-care-needs/hearing

[14] https://familyhealth.utah.gov/cshcn/chap/

* Limited warranty, see store or miracle-ear.com/warranty for details.

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