Did you know that the ears, nose and throat are interconnected? If you experience issues with one area, it can negatively affect another. Tonsillitis, for example, can lead to ear pain. Let’s look at what tonsillitis is, tonsillitis symptoms and how to treat this particular throat condition. |
When paired together, a painful throat and ears can be a sign of tonsillitis, mononucleosis and other throat-related conditions. The degree of pain in the ear and tonsils will differ by the type of illness, which will also determine the severity of hoarseness, redness and swelling within your throat and tonsils.
Symptoms might manifest differently; as well, with some people feeling tonsil and ear pain on one side only, while others feel it on both sides. Some cases of painful tonsils and ears might require medical attention and treatment, while others can resolve on their own.
Tonsillitis is the inflammation of the tonsils, which are the two pads of tissues on the back of your throat. Because the tonsils fend off bacteria and viruses that might enter through the mouth, they are prone to infection or inflammation.
Tonsillitis most commonly affects children, and the tonsils become less important as you age. However, adult cases might arise because of the tonsils’ immune system function declines after puberty. All that said, if you’re wondering, “Is tonsillitis contagious?” the answer is “no”—but the causes of it (viruses and bacteria) most definitely are.
Tonsillitis is classified as one of two types—viral or bacterial. So what is the difference between viral and bacterial tonsillitis? It all comes down to the tonsillitis’ root cause.
How do you know if you might have tonsillitis? If you’re experiencing these symptoms, you should talk to a doctor about your treatment options.
One of the most noticeable tonsillitis symptoms—a sore throat—often stems from the swelling of the tonsils. Swollen tonsils might cause painful swallowing or breathing, as well as irritation within the throat.
If a sore throat doesn’t go away within 24 to 48 hours, visit a doctor.
Likely the most defining tonsillitis symptom, you’ll notice that your lymph nodes behind the ear will start to swell. To check if you have this tonsillitis symptom, touch around that area and search for large bumps. Swollen lymph nodes indicate infection, which is exactly what tonsillitis is. These lymph nodes actually swell to create more antibodies that fight the infection.
To confirm that your lymph nodes are swollen, consult a doctor and have them do an examination.
You may notice that tonsillitis shares many of the same symptoms as strep throat: sore throat, large neck lymph nodes, pain while swallowing, headache, etc. That’s because strep throat is a kind of tonsillitis. They’re not the same thing, though—you can have tonsillitis without having strep throat.
While tonsillitis can stem from both viruses and bacteria, strep throat is only caused by one group of bacteria known as A Streptococcus, which is where the word “strep” comes from.
Are tonsils connected to ears? Because of the tonsils’ location close to the ear, tonsillitis can lead to simultaneous pain in ear and tonsils. It can also result in:
Ear pain (or otalgia) will commonly occur with tonsillitis. Often, this pain is a symptom of an underlying condition or an ear infection.
To best treat this, a doctor will have to determine the cause—such as tonsillitis—and approach treatment accordingly. If the source of the ear pain is infection, leaving it untreated could lead it to worsen and require surgery.
A middle ear infection, also known as otitis media, is caused by a virus or bacteria (e.g. a cold or flu). This can have multiple effects, including congestion and swelling within the throat, nasal passages and eustachian tubes (which run from the ears to the throat). Since tonsillitis causes swelling and irritation within the throat, it increases the likelihood of a middle ear infection.
Symptoms of a middle ear infection include trouble hearing, ear pain and fluid drainage from the ear. A child might pull at their ears, act fussy, lose balance, develop a fever or have trouble sleeping.
If you suspect an ear infection in yourself or your child, visit a doctor to learn about your treatment options. When left untreated, people with ear infections can experience impaired hearing, spread of infection and tearing of the eardrum. Otitis media can also lead to mastoiditis.
Mastoiditis—the bacterial infection of the large bone behind the ear known as the mastoid process—often stems from an untreated middle ear infection. People with severe tonsillitis may develop a middle ear infection that can progress into mastoiditis.
Once considered a serious illness, doctors can now treat mastoiditis with antibiotics and, in more extreme cases, surgery. Vaccinations have also helped limit the frequency of this infection. But if left untreated, mastoiditis can worsen and require surgery. Be sure to visit a doctor if you or your child start experiencing significant ear pain, blockage consisting of pus or thick fluid, hearing loss or ears sensitive to touch.
If you or your child experiences chronic infection and inflammation within the throat and tonsils, a medical professional might recommend a tonsillectomy, the removal of the tonsil tissue.
A tonsillectomy is a fairly simple and short procedure (30–45 minutes) that’s done under general anesthesia. However, tonsillectomies will always be done at the discretion of the doctor. They’re often only performed when someone experiences frequent tonsillitis and hasn’t had success treating it with other methods.
Tonsillectomy recovery can be difficult, but it’s easier for children, who have smaller tonsil tissue compared to adults. Recovery might take around a week for an adult and possibly less time for children. During this period, doctors will recommend soft, semi-solid and lukewarm or cold foods that will prevent throat irritation. As with any illness or recovery, drinking lots of fluids and getting plenty of rest are important.
An earache after tonsils are removed is a common occurrence due to referred pain. This happens because the nerves in the throat and ears are closely connected. When the tonsils are removed, the irritation or healing process in the throat can cause discomfort that radiates to the ears, even though the ears themselves are not directly affected. This is known as referred otalgia.
The ear pain usually peaks a few days after surgery and can last for up to two weeks during the recovery period. It's often more noticeable when swallowing, which can also cause discomfort in the throat. To manage the pain, doctors typically recommend over-the-counter pain relievers, hydration, and soft foods that are easy to swallow. If the ear pain is severe or persists beyond the normal healing time, it's important to consult a healthcare provider to rule out complications.
Yes, tonsillitis can sometimes lead to an ear infection. This occurs because the throat, tonsils, and ears are connected through the Eustachian tubes, which help regulate pressure in the middle ear. When the tonsils become inflamed or infected, as in the case of tonsillitis, the infection can spread or cause blockage in the Eustachian tubes, leading to fluid buildup in the middle ear. This can result in a secondary ear infection, known as otitis media.
Swollen and inflamed tonsils with ear pain are common signs of tonsillitis. The ear pain is often due to referred pain, where the inflammation in the tonsils irritates the nerves connected to both the throat and the ears.
This type of pain radiates to the ears even though the infection is localized in the throat. In addition to ear pain, symptoms such as difficulty swallowing, fever, and swollen lymph nodes may also occur. Treatment typically involves rest, hydration, and medication to manage pain and inflammation, with antibiotics prescribed if the cause is bacterial.
A canker sore on the tonsil can cause significant discomfort, often accompanied by ear pain due to the close connection between the nerves in the throat and ears. This referred ear pain occurs because inflammation or irritation in the throat, such as a canker sore, can affect the surrounding nerves, causing discomfort to radiate toward the ear.
Canker sores, also called aphthous ulcers, are small, painful lesions that typically heal on their own within 1-2 weeks. They can make swallowing difficult, further aggravating the pain in the throat and ear. To manage symptoms, over-the-counter pain relievers, topical ointments, and soothing mouth rinses can be used. If the sore persists or causes severe pain, it's important to consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation and treatment.
Tonsillitis and ear infection treatment will depend on the severity of your symptoms and the persistence of the infection. As previously mentioned, viral tonsillitis can benefit from at-home treatments, and bacterial tonsillitis will require a doctor’s care.
To minimize irritation and soothe tonsillitis symptoms, you can try at-home remedies including:
Be sure to practice good hygiene, such as washing your hands and disinfecting surfaces, to minimize the spread of infections.
Tonsillitis is just one of the potential causes of throat and ear pain on one side. Other illnesses or conditions that could spur throat and ear pain—in one or both ears—include:
TMJ disorders, which cause pain and dysfunction in the jaw joint, can also affect one ear more than the other, depending on which jaw joint is most affected.
It’s especially important to address tonsillitis based on the severity of symptoms. Seek medical assistance immediately if you’re experiencing: