Earwax serves a very important purpose. Not only does it protect the ear by trapping dust and bacteria but it also helps clean and lubricate the ear canal. But what if you produce too much earwax? There are a variety of methods for removing excess earwax from the ear canal, including massage. |
Earwax, also called cerumen, is a waxy substance produced by the glands inside the ear canal. It protects and lubricates the delicate lining of the ear canal from harmful germs, dust and objects that could cause infections or damage. Your earwax might be wet and have a thick, sticky consistency or dry and flaky. Both are normal.
There isn’t a “normal” amount of earwax. Rather, the amount produced varies from person to person. But, if you’ve ever wondered, “Why do I produce so much earwax?”, that may be a sign that you’re overproducing. That’s because you’re unlikely to notice a “normal amount” of earwax. Too much earwax could cause a number of symptoms, including:
It’s important to note that wearing hearing aids can lead to excessive earwax production for some people. Because hearing aids sit in the ear canal they can sometimes block the normal migration of earwax and can also stimulate the production of earwax.
Even if you tend to over produce earwax, it typically falls out on its own. However, overproduction can sometimes lead to a blockage. This happens when earwax builds up in the ear canal and becomes too hard to naturally migrate out of the ear.
Earwax blockage symptoms vary but can include everything from a feeling of fullness or discomfort in the ear to tinnitus and even hearing loss. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, consult with your doctor or hearing care professional.
In extreme cases, you’ll need professional help to remove an earwax blockage, but there are many ways to treat excess earwax at home. We’ll address some common home remedies below, including how to massage earwax out.
Step-by-step: How to massage impacted earwax out
Remember, the massaging should only take place outside the ear canal. Never insert objects like cotton swabs into your ear canal.
For a minor earwax blockage, gentle massage can aid in clearing the wax. Combining massage with other removal methods is often even more effective.
Note: Don’t use oil in a clogged ear if you have an infection or perforated eardrums, wear hearing aids or have undergone ear surgery.
You can use either olive oil or mineral oil for earwax. Both types of oil help to loosen and soften the wax, making it easier to remove.
When considering how to remove earwax blockages, a warm cloth may be all you need.
The warm compress may be enough to loosen the wax and allow it to fall out on its own, or loosen it enough to rinse it.
Using a saline earwax blockage solution to loosen impacted wax and release a blockage is also known as ear irrigation, and can be performed in a doctor’s office or at home by flushing out the ear canal with a saline solution. You can purchase irrigation kits that include saline solution or just the saline solution, which is a mixture of water and salt that has been sterilized to prevent infection, on its own.
Always use caution when introducing liquids into your ears; avoid doing it altogether if you already have an existing infection, eardrum damage or have had surgery on your ears.
Back to the question, “Are cotton swabs bad for ears?” The answer is yes if used inside your ears. It can be dangerous to insert cotton swabs into your ears for a few reasons:
The only safe way to use swabs in this scenario is to clean the outside of your ear.
Earwax removal is a common procedure for most ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialists. If you experience any of the symptoms laid out in this article that may be associated with earwax pain, make an appointment with your healthcare provider or a hearing specialist—especially if home remedies aren’t working. Your provider can also offer advice for treating chronic issues related to the overproduction of earwax.