Regular exposure to sounds over 85 decibels can lead to tinnitus and hearing loss, and concerts often clock in at 100-115 dB. However, that doesn’t mean you have to avoid these fun events completely. Learn how you can stop the post-concert ringing in your ears and prevent tinnitus from occurring after your next concert experience.
Concerts are guaranteed to give you a thrill, from the energy of the crowd to the excitement of hearing your favorite musicians play their songs live and in person. After an evening of fun, however, you may also find yourself experiencing a slight ringing in your ears from loud music as you leave the venue. It might seem that some ringing in ears after concert is just part of the concert experience, but it can actually be a sign of something more damaging happening in your ears.
Tinnitus is the perception of sounds that aren’t actually there. About 15% of adults experience some form of tinnitus, and it shows up as sounds like high-pitched ringing, roaring, humming or buzzing.
Tinnitus isn’t a condition in itself; rather, it’s a symptom of an underlying ailment. While numerous conditions are associated with tinnitus, one of the most common causes is hearing loss.
Under normal conditions, the movement of tiny, delicate hair cells in the inner ear triggers electrical signals that the brain interprets as sound. One theory is if these hairs are damaged, they can “leak” random signals to your brain and cause tinnitus. Regular exposure to loud sounds, including noisy work environments and music at concert volumes, can cause that damage.
If you’ve wondered how to stop ear ringing, there are several important things to know. While there is no cure, you can still find some tinnitus relief and ease the symptoms of this annoying sensation. Explore these methods to learn how to stop ringing in the ears.
If you’ve experienced ringing in your ears after a concert, it likely subsided by the following morning. In most cases, tinnitus after a loud concert disappears within 16 to 48 hours, or a week or two in extreme cases. No matter the severity of your post-concert tinnitus, avoid further exposure to loud noises that could further aggravate the issue.
If you notice that the ringing persists for more than two weeks, consult a doctor or a specialist at Miracle-Ear to analyze the extent of the damage in your ears and discuss possible treatment options.
How can I protect my ears at concerts?
Despite the risk that concerts pose to your ears, you don’t have to stop attending live shows altogether. Instead, take protective measures during the concert to protect your hearing. Here’s how to protect ears at concerts:
Despite taking precautionary measures, it’s still possible to walk out of a concert with a slight ringing in your ears. Nevertheless, your actions mitigate the damage, and you shouldn’t be discouraged from wearing protection each time you go to a show.
Concerts are fun and exciting ways to enjoy your favorite music and spend time with friends, but they shouldn’t come at a cost to your health. By taking preventative measures, you can avoid experiencing ringing in your ears after a concert. If you notice the ringing in your ears after loud music that lasts longer than two weeks, or if you have questions about how to protect your ears in noisy environments, schedule an appointment at Miracle-Ear.
One of the best ways to care for your ears and prevent hearing loss is to get them properly examined by a hearing professional. Find your nearest Miracle-Ear store to get started on your journey to better hearing.
If you don’t take preventative measures to protect your hearing, consistent exposure to loud noise can lead to premature hearing loss. Also known as Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) , this condition affects people of all ages. Symptoms can develop immediately or slowly over time and can include tinnitus, the inability to hear high-pitched sounds, or a feeling of pressure in the ears. Similarly to tinnitus, NIHL occurs when the sensitive hair cells of the inner ear are damaged. Once these hair cells are destroyed, they cannot grow back.
Not only can NIHL come from consistent exposure to loud music at concerts, but it can also stem from other noisy hobbies or even loud workplaces. If you regularly ride motorcycles, hunt , do woodworking, listen to loud music via headphones, or work in a construction or factory setting, your ears are likely exposed to harmful decibel levels. Like you would at a concert, wear ear protection to prevent unhealthy noise exposure and protect your hearing.