Why are my ears red and hot? Causes & Treatment

Discover what causes ears to get red and hot
Last update on Jul, 05, 2024
Dr. Tom Tedeschi

Reviewed by

Dr. Thomas Tedeschi, Au.D.

Chief Audiology Officer, Miracle-Ear

Why do my ears get red and hot? Should I worry?

There's nothing worrying about the body trying to regulate its own temperature; quite the opposite! Many people believe that ear redness is a symptom of migraines or illnesses. When the body reaches the optimal temperature, ear redness disappears.

There is no need to worry if your ears are very red, the redness will fade. If redness persists for a long period of time, it means your body temperature is too high. To get your body temperature down, try using some of the methods listed below.

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What causes ears to get red and hot?

What does it mean when your ears are burning? Red, hot, swollen and painful-to-the-touch ears can happen to anyone. Red and warm ears can be caused by a sudden increase in blood flow caused by abrupt transitions from a hot to a cold environment, consumption of alcohol or spicy foods, hormonal changes and even some medications. Let's review some of the main causes of red and hot ears:

Sunburn: Ears that are hot and red due to the heat usually quickly turn pink again, but it is possible for the sun to cause real burns to the ears. This mostly happens in the summer, but it can happen at any time of the year. The consequence of a sunburn is not only redness, but in some cases severe burning.

Heat and temperature alterations: Strong sensations of heat lead our blood vessels to dilate, allowing the heat to disperse and the consequent regulation of body temperature. Due to this, blood vessels rise to the surface, which causes the typical red color on the ear or other body parts.

Seborrheic dermatitis: Seborrheic eczema, or dermatitis, is a condition that causes red, scaly patches on the scalp. However, it can spread to other parts of the body, such as the face, upper back, and even the ears. If you have seborrheic eczema, you may notice white pins on your ear as well as redness and itching.

Emotions: The ears also turn red when we get emotional: anger, happiness and embarrassment are all sensations that cause our body to provoke this particular emotional response, which fortunately passes within a few minutes.

Hormonal problems: Since hormones regulate all processes in the body, it goes without saying that in the event of a hormonal imbalance, the ears can also become red and hot. This can occur more often in adolescence and during menopause.

Ear infections like otitis media: The ear is prone to infections due to germs and bacteria that can enter the body through cuts or directly into the auditory system. If you are experiencing an ear infection, ear redness may often also be accompanied by swelling and pain.

Ear traumas or injuries: In the event of an injury or trauma to the auricular area, it is normal for the ear to be red and hot. Piercings, scratches and insect bites are just some of the traumas an ear can endure, and in this case, the best solution is to take pain-relievers until the symptoms disappear.

Less common causes of red and warm ears

  • Trigeminal neuralgia: This disorder is caused by the trigeminal nerve compressing affecting the ears, neck, lower face and jaw.
  • Perichondritis: More rarely, hot and red ears can be caused by pathologies such as perichondritis of the ear, an inflammation not always of an infectious nature, which occurs on the auricle, following trauma (even a piercing), insect bites or related to other systemic diseases.
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Are your ears red and hot?

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Red ear syndrome

Red ear syndrome has symptoms that also affect your hearing system. It can affect one or both ears (but usually affects only one ear) and manifests itself with redness and heat in the affected area, but also with hyperacusis, tinnitus and hearing loss

The causes of this syndrome are still unknown, but it is believed that it may be associated with particular forms of migraine, by the way it is still not clear if the headache is the cause or effect of the redness of the ears. When the redness is associated with fever and severe pain, it is advisable to consult a doctor to diagnose the presence of the syndrome and identify the appropriate treatment.

Why does only one ear get hot and red? Many causes above can occur in only your right or left ear, such as a sunburn or injury. Red ear syndrome often only impacts one ear. For others, the redness and heat occur in both ears, as in the case of temperature alteration or seborrheic dermatitis.

High blood pressure can primarily cause redness and flushing of the face and ears but usually does not cause these body parts to turn hot.

One of the most common symptoms of skin allergies is itching, which can also occur in the ears. It is not uncommon that itchy ears come with redness of the ear, but itchy ears rarely become hot. Seasonal allergies, such as common pollen allergies, can also cause itchy and red ears.

How to get rid of red hot ears? Remedies and treatments

As we've explored, hot and red ears are usually a symptom of increased blood flow related to an emotion, change in temperature or a hormonal change.

If any of the above is the cause for your red and hot ears, symptoms will disappear in a few minutes or hours, and no specific treatment is needed. If you are experiencing intense pain or heat and redness lasting longer than a few hours, you should visit a doctor. This can be a sign of an infection or inflammation requiring specific therapy or medication.

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Prevention is key

Never underestimate the importance of ear care. Your hearing might depend on it.

Why is my baby's ear red and hot?

The causes of hot and red ears listed above can also be present in children, specifically emotional and temperature causes. Often children are more prone than adults to ear infections such as otitis media. Other potential causes include mumps and sixth disease.

If the baby or child is very young, it is critical to check if they are experiencing other signs of discomfort along with their hot red ears, such as crying. If children are crying or showing other signs of discomfort, contact your pediatrician to identify the root cause for appropriate treatment.

Red and hot ears during summer: how to protect them

In summer, our ears often turn red and feel warm because of increased blood flow and exposure to sunlight. As temperatures climb, blood vessels widen to release heat, causing ears to appear flushed and heated. Moreover, direct exposure to UV rays can cause sunburn, exacerbating redness and discomfort.

To prevent this, wear hats and seek shade outdoors. Applying cooling compresses or soothing aloe vera lotion can relieve irritation. By taking these measures, you can enjoy summer comfortably while safeguarding your ears.

FAQs about red and hot ears

Sudden warmth or reddening of the ears can often stem from various factors, both physical and emotional. One common reason is increased blood circulation to the ears, typically triggered by feelings of embarrassment or anxiety. In such instances, the body's fight-or-flight response may widen blood vessels, causing the ears to feel warmer and possibly turn red.

Alternatively, environmental influences such as prolonged exposure to heat or sunlight can also induce a sensation of warmth in the ears. Additionally, allergies or specific skin conditions might contribute to sudden warmth or redness in the ears. Identifying the precise cause of this occurrence is crucial for effectively managing it and ensuring personal comfort.

Many people often wonder why one ear, whether it's the left or the right, randomly becomes red and hot. This redness can result from sunburn or injury, which can affect just one ear.

Red ear syndrome usually affects only one ear. In other cases, both ears can become red and warm, often due to temperature changes or seborrheic dermatitis.

The redness and heat in the face, cheeks, and ears are typically caused by increased blood flow to these areas. This physiological response can be triggered by various factors such as:

  • Emotions: Feelings of embarrassment, anger, or anxiety can lead to flushing of the face and ears;
  • Temperature: Exposure to hot weather or sudden changes in temperature can cause the skin to redden and feel warm;
  • Alcohol or spicy food: Consumption of alcohol or spicy foods can dilate blood vessels, resulting in facial flushing;
  • Physical exertion: Exercise or physical exertion can also cause the face and ears to become red and warm due to increased blood circulation.

These reactions are typically harmless and temporary, but persistent or severe redness and heat should be evaluated by a healthcare professional to rule out underlying medical conditions.

Your ears may be red and hot to the touch due to several potential reasons:

  • Increased blood flow: Emotions such as embarrassment, anxiety, or anger can trigger the body's "fight-or-flight" response, causing blood vessels in the ears to dilate. This results in increased blood flow, making the ears feel warm and appear red;
  • Environmental factors: Exposure to excessive heat, sunlight, or sudden temperature changes can also cause the ears to become warm and red;
  • Allergic reaction: Allergies or sensitivities to certain substances, such as cosmetics, hair products, or metals in earrings, can lead to inflammation and redness in the ears;
  • Infection or inflammation: In some cases, redness and heat in the ears may be a sign of infection, such as otitis externa (swimmer's ear) or inflammation of the ear canal.

If the redness and heat persist or are accompanied by pain, discharge, or hearing changes, it's important to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Your ear may become red and hot at night due to several possible reasons:

  • Increased blood flow: During sleep, your body's circulation can fluctuate. Changes in blood flow to the ear, often triggered by changes in body temperature or sleeping position, can cause it to feel warm and appear red;
  • Environmental factors: The temperature and humidity in your bedroom can affect your body's response. A warm room or heavy bedding may contribute to increased blood flow to the ear, causing it to become red and feel hot;
  • Allergic reaction: If you use certain hair products, detergents on pillowcases, or wear earrings that your body reacts to, this can also cause redness and warmth;
  • Inflammation or infection: In some cases, redness and heat in the ear at night could be a sign of an underlying issue such as an infection or inflammation in the ear canal.

If the redness and heat persist or are accompanied by pain, discharge, or changes in hearing, it's advisable to consult a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and treatment.

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