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Ear pressure: Blocked & clogged ears

Ear pressure can occur in everyday situations and often has benign causes. However, prolonged ear pressure may indicate poor ventilation of the ear or underlying health problems. In this article, you will learn more about the most common symptoms, causes and treatments for ear pressure.

Symptoms of pressure in ears

Clogged ears, blocked ears or plugged ears typically indicate a subjective sensation of ear fullness that affects one or both ears. This frequent symptom is often associated with an alteration or even a reduction in hearing ability. It is important to specify that pressure in the ears and hearing loss are different, even if they can coexist in numerous diseases. The most common symptoms of ear pressure are:

What causes pressure in the ears?

Why do i feel pressure in my ears​? The sensation or feeling of pressure in one or both ears can be caused by problems in the outer and middle ear. Below you will find the most common ear pressure causes:

An earwax buildup in the ear canal (outer ear) is perhaps the most frequent cause of pressure in the ear. The accumulation of ceruminous, or earwax, material and debris in the external auditory canal can lead to the total occlusion of the ear canal, causing a consequent sensation of pressure in the ear and a reduction of the hearing capacity. This type of hearing loss is temporary. By removing the earwax plug, hearing loss should disappear.

For many, one of the first signs of a cold is the sensation your ear is closing. If the reason for the pressure on the ears is a cold, the doctor usually recommends using a decongestant or a nasal spray to keep the Eustachian tube open and clear.

Ear pressure in the case of a cold arises primarily from the middle ear not being adequately ventilated. Only then do viruses and bacteria have the opportunity to trigger otitis media. Mucus can get stuck inside the Eustachian tube, and mucus mobilization noises can sometimes be heard when moving the head (Ex. when resting your head on the pillow, chewing or yawning). That's why it's important to keep your ears clean when you have a cold.

In addition to the decongestant or nasal spray,  exhalation or blowing your nose also helps activate mucus drainage and reduce pressure in the ear when you have a cold.

"Airplane ear", as it’s commonly called, occurs when the air pressure in the middle and external ear is out of sync, placing stress on the eardrum and other middle ear tissues. This problem arises especially when the airplane is taking off or descending.

Otitis media, Eustachian tube dysfunction, nasal obstruction due to nasal septum deviation, enlarged tonsils and/or adenoids and turbinate hypertrophy can cause the sensation of ear pressure. A change in how the Eustachian tube functions can alter the correct ventilation of the middle ear leading to difficulty in compensating for any sudden changes in pressure between the two surfaces of the eardrum.

Therapy aims to maintain the correct ventilation in the middle ear. One example of this would be the use of medications to reduce the swelling causing the infection causing the problem. Another potential treatment is surgical correction of the nasal septum.

Among the factors responsible for the sensation of pressure in the ears is otitis externa, an acute or chronic inflammation of the ear canal, also called swimmer's ear. This condition is from the presence of water stagnation in the ears.

This disorder often manifests with skin inflammation, redness, irritation, swelling and eczema. Symptoms are:

  • Fullness in the ears
  • The sensation of clogged and blocked ears
  • Tinnitus
  • Itching in the ear canal
  • Pain to the touch
  • Pain when chewing

The effects of otitis externa may be treated by antibiotic or antifungal therapy if it has a bacterial origin. Furthermore, cleaning the ear canal and applying the drug therapy is very important.

The sensation of fullness in the ears and the difficulty in compensating for slight changes in atmospheric pressure is a problem typically associated with TMJ, caused by poor ventilation inside the ear through the pharyngeal tube.

Typically, the pharyngeal tube opens during swallowing to ventilate the middle ear and to facilitate the release of inflammatory secretions that affect the ear. Both conditions of constant and chronic opening and closing obstacles to the air passage are considered pathological. The walls of the tube (or Eustachian tube), muscle, and mucous membranes collapse easily, preventing air from passing and balancing the atmospheric pressure between the two sides of the eardrum. This condition causes the ear to feel full and clogged, with muffled hearing. The specific treatment for TMJ involves the use of bite interventions and physiotherapy

Allergies can also cause the sensation of ear pressure and plugged ears, as they are a major cause of chronic blockage of the Eustachian tube. Antihistamines and decongestants can relieve ear pressure due to allergies or other symptoms.

The sensation of ear pressure and clogged ears often is interpreted as a symptom of Meniere’s disease affecting the inner ear. The endolymph, increasing in volume, causes tinnitus and vertigo. This triad of symptoms, with the feeling of a full ear, characterizes Ménière's syndrome.

When traveling on trains, many people may experience ear pressure and, in some cases, ear pain, particularly when entering a tunnel. This is due to the sudden significant change in air pressure caused by the train moving. As the train enters the tunnel, the air is compressed, leading to an increase in air pressure. However, the body may not have enough time to adjust to the change in pressure, resulting in a feeling of pressure in the ears.

Even divers are particularly prone to ear pressure-related problems, which increase with every meter of depth underwater. To prevent persistent damage to the ear, the pressure must be removed from the eardrum. Each student diver then learns to compensate for the pressure using specific techniques.

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I feel constant pressure and ear ringing: why won't my ears pop?

This sensation often arises when the Eustachian tubes, responsible for regulating ear pressure, become blocked due to factors like allergies, sinus issues, or earwax buildup.

Simple remedies such as swallowing, yawning, or chewing gum can sometimes relieve the pressure by opening these tubes. If discomfort persists or worsens, consulting a healthcare professional is recommended to address the underlying cause effectively.

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Clogged ears or hearing loss?

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Ear pressure relief: How to relieve and clear ear pressure?

If the ear is blocked, muffled or plugged, the easiest techniques that can help unblock it are:

  • Opening your mouth wide and move your jaw until you hear a soft pop or crackle in your ear;
  • Yawning on purpose;
  • Applying the Valsalva Maneuver, consisting of holding the nose and mouth closed, then blowing or pushing the air from the lungs into the mouth and the nasal cavity;
  • Swallowing and chewing.

When we go through a tunnel by train, take off, and land by plane, we often feel a strong pressure in our ears. Usually, this pressure is just uncomfortable but not dangerous. However, what exactly happens in the ear in these situations?

Deep in the ear canal is the eardrum. It is elastic, transmits sound vibrations to the sensitive organs of the middle and inner ear, and closes the ear tightly. If the air pressure changes, the eardrum can swell due to overpressure or under-pressure in the ear, giving the classic sensation of a full ear.

In this case, it is necessary to equalize the pressure in the ear. This is done by balancing the air through the Eustachian tube. There are various methods of achieving pressure equalization, which work differently.

A quick swallow or yawn will usually pop the ears and ease the airplane ear pressure discomfort. Popping is one of the most effective airplane ear treatments. If that’s not enough, here are some other airplane ear pain treatments:

  • Wear earplugs; this can be helpful for particularly sensitive ears (like children’s ones). Due to their elasticity, they reduce the pressure on the eardrum and can help prevent an earache after your flight;
  • Chew gum or let a mint melt in your mouth; this will cause you to swallow more frequently, activating the muscle that opens the Eustachian tube;
  • Yawn frequently; this is a stronger muscle activator than swallowing;
  • Avoid sleep during descent because you may not swallow or yawn enough to keep up with the air pressure changes.
  • If yawning or swallowing does not work, pinch your nostrils shut, breathe in through your mouth, and force the air into the back of your nose (as if you’re trying to blow your nose).
  • Suck on a sucker or hard candy on take-off or during descent.

If there is pressure on the ears, home remedies help to clean the ear. If the ears are closed, this is usually due to too much earwax, a cold or an inflamed ear canal. Those affected can rinse their ears with lukewarm salt water.

A steam bath with chamomile also releases ear pressure. In case of an ear canal infection, drinking chamomile tea and applying a warm compress to the ear may help as a home remedy for blocked ears.

Before using any home remedies, consult with a physician or hearing care professional to learn if the method would be effective in treating your symptoms. 

When fluid accumulates, or pressure imbalances occur in the ear, it is often due to illnesses like the common cold that can cause inflammation of the mucous membranes or swelling in the ear, nose, and throat areas responsible for regulating air pressure - such as the auditory tube.

Allergic reactions can also lead to swelling and pressure in the ears, and treating the underlying condition with medication is recommended in such cases. Depending on the cause, decongestants, nasal sprays, antibiotics, or antiallergic agents may be useful.

For quick ear pressure relief, try these methods:

  1. Swallowing or yawning: Helps open the Eustachian tubes;
  2. Valsalva Maneuver: Pinch your nose, close your mouth, and gently blow;
  3. Toynbee Maneuver: Pinch your nose and swallow;
  4. Chewing gum or sucking candy: Stimulates swallowing and equalizes pressure;
  5. Steam or warm compress: Can help if congestion is the cause;
  6. Nasal decongestant: If due to a stuffy nose, this can help open passages.

To relieve sinus pressure in ear, try these methods:

  1. Steam inhalation: Breathe in steam from a bowl of hot water or take a warm shower to loosen mucus;
  2. Nasal irrigation: Use a saline spray or neti pot to clear nasal passages;
  3. Hydration: Drink plenty of water to thin mucus and promote drainage;
  4. Decongestants: Over-the-counter nasal sprays or oral decongestants can help reduce swelling;
  5. Valsalva Maneuver: Pinch your nose, close your mouth, and gently blow to equalize pressure;
  6. Chewing gum or swallowing: Helps open the Eustachian tubes;
  7. Rest and elevation: Keeping your head elevated can improve sinus drainage.

Ear pressure when you're sick is a common discomfort, often caused by congestion or sinus issues. As your body fights off an illness, mucus buildup can block the Eustachian tubes, which help regulate ear pressure. This can lead to feelings of fullness or discomfort in the ears. To alleviate this, it's important to stay hydrated, use steam or warm compresses, and try nasal decongestants or saline sprays to clear up congestion. Rest and elevating your head can also help promote drainage. If ear pressure persists or becomes more intense, it’s a good idea to consult a healthcare professional for further guidance.

Experiencing pressure in just one ear can be frustrating, and it often happens due to a variety of reasons. One common cause is Eustachian tube dysfunction, where the tube that connects the middle ear to the back of the nose becomes blocked or doesn’t function properly. This can occur more easily in one ear, especially if you have sinus congestion, allergies, or a cold. Other reasons for pressure in one ear include ear infections (such as middle ear infections), earwax buildup, or even changes in atmospheric pressure (like during flights or diving). In some cases, TMJ disorders (jaw joint issues) can also affect one ear, causing discomfort.

To relieve pressure, you can try swallowing, yawning, or gently using the Valsalva maneuver. Warm compresses, decongestants, or ear drops can also help depending on the underlying cause. If the pressure persists or if there are signs of infection, it’s important to see a doctor.

Man with headache and ear pain

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What to do with pressure in ears that won't go away

When experiencing persistent pressure in the ears that won't go away, it's essential to take several steps to alleviate discomfort and address any underlying causes. Start by trying to open the Eustachian tubes, which can help equalize pressure.

Techniques such as swallowingyawning, or chewing gum may assist in this process. Additionally, using a warm compress on the affected ear can provide relief by reducing inflammation and promoting circulation. If these methods do not alleviate the pressure or if other symptoms like pain, hearing loss, or discharge accompany it, it is crucial to consult a healthcare professional promptly. They can accurately diagnose the underlying cause, which could range from allergies or sinus issues to more serious conditions like ear infections or eustachian tube dysfunction, and recommend appropriate treatment.

A feeling of ear pressure that comes and goes can have various causes. Common reasons include changes in atmospheric pressure, congestion from colds or allergies, earwax buildup, and muscle tension. Jaw joint (TMJ) issues or inner ear conditions may also contribute to the sensation. If it's occasional, it may resolve on its own, but if it persists or is accompanied by other symptoms, it's best to consult a specialist.

Ear pressure combined with other conditions

Ear pressure can be a common and uncomfortable sensation, often linked to a variety of underlying conditions. Understanding the interplay between ear pressure and other health issues is crucial for effective diagnosis and treatment:

If ear pressure persists despite attempts to relieve it through chewing or similar techniques, see a doctor to identify and treat the underlying cause. In the simplest case, it could be due to earwax buildup in the ear canal, which can be removed by a doctor through a simple ear irrigation procedure.

When fluid buildup in the middle ear causes pressure on the eardrum and prevents drainage, minor surgery may be needed for long-term relief. This typically involves piercing the eardrum to allow fluid to escape through a small opening.

In cases where this problem occurs frequently, a tympanostomy tube may be inserted into the eardrum to assist in the ventilation of the middle ear and allow fluids to drain more effectively.

The presence of dizziness, ringing in ears and sensation of ear pressure can be a potential sign of Ménière’s syndrome, with hearing loss and vertigo. In general, when the ear canal or middle ear space is blocked with a buildup of fluid (ear infection), earwax, dirt or other foreign materials, this can cause both the sensation of ear pressure and ringing in the ears.

Migraines often present themselves as more than a headache and include hearing symptoms like ear pressure and tinnitus. A sinus headache can also cause ear pressure. If you have constant migraine and ear pressure, consult your doctor, ENT specialist, or neurologist.

A plugged ear could be caused by a simple excess of earwax, by specific pathologies of interest to the otorhinolaryngologist such as otitis, or something else that goes beyond the scope of "only" headache. Other common symptoms of migraine ear pressure can be:

  • Ear pain;
  • Vertigo and dizziness;
  • Nausea;
  • Sound sensitivity;
  • The feeling of ear fullness, with water or even a bug in your ear.

Inflammation of the thyroid gland can cause a sensation of "plugged ears." Subacute thyroid is often first confused with a sore throat when there’s a pain in the neck at the level of the thyroid gland. The pain can move from one side of the neck to the other, reach the jaw and up to the ear, causing the sensation of ear pressure and plugged ears.

COVID-19 can cause ear pressure due to:

  1. Nasal congestion and inflammation: The virus can inflame the nasal passages, blocking the Eustachian tubes and causing pressure;
  2. Middle ear involvement: Some cases of COVID-19 lead to ear infections or fluid buildup in the middle ear;
  3. Inner ear effects: The virus may impact the inner ear, leading to pressure, dizziness, or hearing changes;
  4. Long COVID Symptoms: Persistent ear pressure, tinnitus, or fullness may continue for weeks or months.

Headache and ear pressure together can be caused by:

  1. Sinus congestion: Allergies, colds, or sinus infections can block the Eustachian tubes, leading to pressure and headaches;
  2. Migraine: Some migraines cause ear fullness, sensitivity to sound, and head pressure.
  3. Ear infections: Middle or inner ear infections can lead to pain, pressure, and headaches;
  4. TMJ disorders: Jaw tension or dysfunction can create ear pressure and headaches;
  5. Barotrauma: Sudden pressure changes (e.g., flying or diving) can affect the ears and cause headaches;
  6. High blood pressure: Severe hypertension can lead to head pressure and ear fullness.

Pressure in the ears and a sore throat can be caused by:

  1. Cold or flu: Viral infections can inflame the throat and block the Eustachian tubes, causing ear pressure;
  2. Sinus infection: Mucus buildup can create pressure in the ears and lead to throat irritation;
  3. Allergies: Histamine response can cause nasal congestion, postnasal drip, and ear pressure;
  4. Ear infection: Middle ear infections often cause both ear pain and throat discomfort;
  5. Tonsillitis or strep throat: Infections in the throat can cause referred pain and ear pressure;
  6. Acid reflux: Stomach acid reaching the throat can cause irritation and ear fullness.
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How to prevent ear pressure

Preventive measures vary depending on the cause of the ear pressure. Common habits to prevent ear pressure are:

  • Cleaning your ears: Regular hygiene can prevent the formation of earwax plugs; avoid using cotton swabs and Q-Tips;
  • Using earplugs in situations that can lead to pressure in the ears, such as airplane flights;
  • Decongestant nasal sprays: during a cold, it is easier to have the sensation of plugged ears. Decongestant sprays can help to free the eustachian tube.
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Ear pressure after a precise activity or action

Ear pressure can occur after various specific activities or actions, each presenting unique challenges. From experiencing pressure after sleeping on one side to encountering it after quitting smoking, swimming, or working out, these situations can lead to discomfort and require specific strategies for relief and prevention.

Experiencing ear pressure after sleeping on one side is a common issue that many people face. When you sleep on one side, it can affect the Eustachian tubes' ability to drain fluid properly from the middle ear, leading to a sensation of pressure or fullness. This can be particularly noticeable if you have congestion or allergies.

Techniques such as gently massaging the affected ear, sitting up for a while to encourage drainage, or using a warm compress over the ear may help alleviate the discomfort. If the pressure persists or is accompanied by pain, it's advisable to consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation.

Experiencing ear pressure after quitting smoking can occur due to several factors related to the body's adjustment to the cessation of smoking:

  • Improved blood circulation: After quitting smoking, blood circulation improves, which can lead to changes in blood flow to the ears and affect pressure regulation;
  • Eustachian tube function: Smoking can affect the function of the Eustachian tubes, which are responsible for equalizing pressure in the middle ear. When quitting, the Eustachian tubes may undergo changes in how they regulate pressure;
  • Sinus congestion: Smoking can contribute to sinus congestion and inflammation. After quitting, the body may undergo a period of detoxification where the sinuses clear out, potentially causing temporary ear pressure.

Experiencing ear pressure after swimming is a common issue, often attributed to water becoming trapped in the ear canal, leading to discomfort and a sensation of fullness. This can happen due to several reasons:

  • Water trapped in ear canal: Water can enter the ear during swimming, particularly if not wearing earplugs or if water forcefully enters the ear canal;
  • Eustachian tube dysfunction: Swimming can sometimes cause temporary dysfunction of the Eustachian tubes, which regulate pressure in the middle ear. This can result in a feeling of pressure or fullness;
  • Chlorine or contaminants: Exposure to chlorine or other contaminants in the pool water can irritate the delicate lining of the ear canal, causing inflammation and pressure.

Experiencing pressure in the ears after working out can be attributed to several factors related to physical exertion and changes in bodily functions during exercise:

  • Increased blood flow: During exercise, blood flow increases to supply oxygen and nutrients to muscles. This increased circulation can affect blood vessels in the ears, potentially causing a sensation of pressure;
  • Eustachian tube dysfunction: Intense physical activity can temporarily affect the function of the Eustachian tubes, which regulate pressure in the middle ear. This may lead to a feeling of fullness or pressure in the ears;
  • Sinus congestion: Exercise can sometimes exacerbate sinus congestion, which can indirectly affect the Eustachian tubes and ear pressure.

Experiencing ear pressure after hitting your head can be a concerning experience, potentially indicating various underlying issues. It might suggest a concussion, where changes in cranial pressure affect the ears, leading to sensations of fullness or pressure.

Direct impact to the head could also cause trauma to the ear canal or middle ear structures, resulting in discomfort or altered pressure sensations. Additionally, the sudden impact could temporarily disrupt the function of the Eustachian tubes, which normally regulate pressure in the middle ear.

When to see a doctor

If ear pressure symptoms persist for an extended period and cannot be relieved by swallowing or yawning, it could indicate an ear pressure imbalance or inflammation. In such cases, you should visit your physician or a hearing care specialist for an examination.

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FAQs about pressure in ears

To equalize ear pressure effectively, you can try these main techniques:

  • Swallowing or yawning: These actions open the Eustachian tubes, helping to balance the pressure;
  • Valsalva maneuver: Pinch your nostrils shut, close your mouth, and gently exhale as if blowing your nose;
  • Use of decongestants: Over-the-counter decongestants can reduce nasal and sinus congestion, facilitating pressure equalization.

If discomfort persists, seek medical attention for further evaluation.

To relieve ear pressure from a cold, you can try the following methods:

  • Swallowing or yawning: These actions help open the Eustachian tubes, which can alleviate pressure;
  • Valsalva maneuver: Pinch your nostrils shut, close your mouth, and gently exhale as if blowing your nose. This helps equalize ear pressure;
  • Use decongestants: Over-the-counter decongestants can reduce nasal and sinus congestion, making it easier to equalize ear pressure;
  • Steam inhalation: Inhale steam from a bowl of hot water or take a hot shower to help reduce nasal congestion and ear pressure;
  • Warm compress: Apply a warm washcloth over your ear to help open the Eustachian tubes and relieve pressure;
  • Hydration: Drink plenty of fluids to keep your mucous membranes moist, which can help reduce congestion and ear pressure;
  • Nasal saline spray: Use a saline spray to keep your nasal passages moist and reduce congestion.

If these methods don't provide relief or if you experience severe symptoms, such as intense pain or hearing loss, consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation and treatment.

Relieving ear pressure from an ear infection involves treating the infection and managing the symptoms. Here are some steps you can take:

  • Antibiotics: If the infection is bacterial, a doctor may prescribe antibiotics;
  • Pain relievers: Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help reduce pain and inflammation;
  • Decongestants: These can help reduce nasal and sinus congestion, which might indirectly help relieve ear pressure.

Yes, sinus pressure can cause ear pain. The sinuses and ears are connected by the Eustachian tubes, which help regulate pressure between the middle ear and the environment. When you have sinus congestion or inflammation due to a cold, allergies, or a sinus infection, it can cause the Eustachian tubes to become blocked or inflamed. This blockage can lead to a build-up of pressure in the middle ear, resulting in ear pain.

Yes, allergies can cause ear pressure. Allergic reactions can lead to inflammation and congestion in the nasal passages and sinuses. This congestion can block the Eustachian tubes, which connect the middle ear to the back of the throat and help regulate ear pressure. When these tubes are blocked, it can result in a build-up of pressure in the middle ear, leading to discomfort or pain. Here are some common symptoms associated with allergy-induced ear pressure:

  • Ear fullness: A sensation of fullness or clogging in the ears;
  • Hearing changes: Temporary hearing loss or muffled hearing;
  • Discomfort or pain: Pressure and pain in the ear, which can range from mild to severe;
  • Tinnitus: Ringing or buzzing in the ears.

Yes, anxiety can cause ear pressure. Anxiety and stress can lead to various physical symptoms, including changes in how the body regulates pressure in the ears. Here are some ways anxiety might contribute to ear pressure:

  • Muscle tension: Anxiety can cause muscle tension in the jaw, neck, and shoulders, which can affect the muscles around the ears and lead to a feeling of pressure;
  • Increased blood pressure: Anxiety can temporarily raise blood pressure, which might contribute to sensations of ear fullness or pressure;
  • Hyperventilation: Rapid or shallow breathing associated with anxiety can lead to changes in carbon dioxide levels in the blood, affecting ear pressure and causing symptoms like dizziness and ear discomfort;
  • Heightened awareness: Anxiety can make you more aware of bodily sensations, including minor ear pressure that you might not notice otherwise.

Waking up with ear pressure can be a frustrating experience and is often linked to how the body responds to changes during sleep. Congestion from allergies or sinus issues may worsen overnight, leading to blocked Eustachian tubes and a feeling of fullness in the ears.

Sleeping position can also play a role, as lying flat may prevent proper drainage. Additionally, conditions like TMJ disorders or teeth grinding can create tension around the ear, contributing to morning discomfort. If the sensation is frequent or persistent, a medical evaluation may help determine the underlying cause and provide relief.

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