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Exercises for tinnitus relief

Finding relief from tinnitus—which has no official cure—is a high priority for anyone who experiences it. Luckily, there are several exercises and methods for calming tinnitus that may help you live your life without the buzz taking over. 

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Does exercise help tinnitus?

Do you experience a ringing in your ears? This sensation, known as tinnitus, is the perception of sounds with no external source. Usually described as a ringing, whooshing or whistling sound, tinnitus can be caused by hearing loss, ear canal blockage, head or neck injuries or medications.

While this annoying sensation has no cure, there are several ways to find some relief from the ringing in your ears. By incorporating the following small exercises into your daily routine, you may be able to manage and reduce your perception of tinnitus.

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If you experience tinnitus, don’t hesitate to speak with your doctor or hearing instrument specialist about how you can best manage the symptoms.

1. Posture exercises for tinnitus

Addressing your tinnitus symptoms can be as simple as adjusting your posture. They may seem unrelated, but there is a correlation between tinnitus and posture: Poor posture can create tension in the neck muscles, disrupting proper blood circulation and negatively affecting the function of your cranial nerves to cause a ringing in the ears. This type of tinnitus, also known as cervical tinnitus, can be caused by whiplash injury, stress or physical strain.

If you are experiencing tinnitus or neck pain, adjusting your posture through simple exercises can be an easy first step in managing your symptoms. Here are some exercises for tinnitus relief you can incorporate into your routine:

Seated exercises for tinnitus can be a quick and easy way to find relief throughout the day.

  1. Begin sitting with your back straight against a chair or a wall;
  2. Grasp your lower jaw with one hand and open your mouth;
  3. Without applying excessive force, stretch the muscles of your jaw, cheek and around the mouth;
  4. Repeat this motion with your mouth open for two to three minutes.

If you experience muscle cramping or pain during the exercise, stop immediately.

Try other, more dynamic sitting exercises for tinnitus relief.

  1. Seated with your back straight against a wall or chair, place your left hand behind your back;
  2. ass your right hand behind your head and touch your left ear;
  3. Gently pull your head toward your right shoulder without turning your neck and hold the position for 20-30 seconds;
  4. Repeat two or three times before repeating the same sequence on the opposite side. 

You can also try using tools like small massage balls to supplement your exercises for tinnitus. Roll the ball along the jaw muscles and over the cheek applying light pressure and spiral movements. If you notice areas of greater tension, concentrate the ball’s movements on these points. 
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2. Neck and jaw exercises for tinnitus

Tinnitus can also result from jaw-related issues around the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). TMJ disorders typically come from inflammation or irritation of the ligaments and muscles around the joint, often caused by grinding teeth during sleep (bruxism), trauma to the head or neck, or arthritis in the jaw. Because of the TMJ’s proximity to the inner ear, people experiencing TMJ disorders are more likely to experience mandibular tinnitus—when the joint becomes irritated or inflamed, it may disrupt how the inner ear processes sound and cause tinnitus symptoms. 

While TMJ disorders may require additional medical support, some jaw and neck exercises for tinnitus may provide relief.

Neck exercises for tinnitus can go a long way in relieving some of your symptoms.

  1. Begin the stretch by making a fist with your left hand and bringing it to your left shoulder;
  2. Pull your fist and shoulder down;
  3. Place your right hand on the left side of your head, just above your ear;
  4. Pull your head gently to the right to feel a stretch along the left side of your neck;
  5. Breathe slowly, carefully increasing the intensity by pulling your shoulder further down and tilting your head more to the right;
  6. When you’ve found the peak intensity angle, hold the stretch for two to two-and-a-half minutes;
  7. Slowly release the stretch and repeat on the other side. 

Here are simple neck exercises that may help with somatic tinnitus:

  • Neck tilt: Sit or stand with a straight back. Gently tilt your head towards one shoulder and hold for 10 seconds. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side;
  • Neck turn: Turn your head slowly to one side, bringing your chin towards your shoulder. Hold for 10 seconds, then turn to the other side and hold;
  • Chin tuck: Sit or stand upright. Gently tuck your chin towards your chest, hold for 5 seconds, and then relax. Repeat a few times;
  • Shoulder roll: Stand or sit with your back straight. Roll your shoulders forward in a circular motion 5 times, then roll them backward 5 times.

Some jaw exercises for tinnitus and massages can also help relax your muscles, improve circulation in the mandibular area and counteract mandibular tinnitus.

  1. Perform the massage by gently opening your mouth and moving your jaw to one side;
  2. Place your hand underside your jaw and push gently to improve this movement;
  3. Hold the posture for three seconds, and then relax;
  4. Repeat the action on the other side of your jaw.

Try this exercise 10 times per side, three times per day. 

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3. Relaxation and brain exercises

While there’s currently no cure for tinnitus, relaxation techniques can help you better manage symptoms. Explore these methods to learn how to relax with tinnitus symptoms: 

Progressive muscle relaxation, a deep breathing and muscle tensing exercise, incorporates mindfulness with muscle movements to distract your mind from the ringing in your ears.

  1. While sitting or lying down, concentrate on the muscles of one area of your body; begin this method at the top of your head and work down;
  2. Inhale and tighten those muscles for 10 seconds;
  3. Release them by quickly letting go of that tension;
  4. Slowly exhale and notice the tightness flowing out of those muscles;
  5. Then do the same with the next group of muscles, moving along until you’ve done the method from head to toe.

It may sound simple, but this action can help you focus on releasing tension and anxiety in the body that may be exacerbating your tinnitus. 

Like progressive muscle relaxation, yoga and meditation can be mindfulness tools as you learn how to relax with tinnitus symptoms. Meditative activities can help reduce any stress, anxiety or frustration you may be experiencing because of your condition.

As you experience tinnitus symptoms, try breathing in and out slowly and deliberately. Not only does this action give you something else to focus on, but it can also help relax your muscles and slow down your heart rate, which can help reduce your tinnitus symptoms. 

Techniques for relaxing with tinnitus can be combined to achieve better mind and muscle relaxation. Guided imagery, for example, is a meditation technique best used with other relaxation methods, such as progressive muscle relaxation and deep breathing.

Once you have found some stillness, close your eyes, and continue breathing as you imagine yourself in a relaxing environment. This deep breathing can help you further develop a state of calmness, potentially reducing your tinnitus symptoms. 

CBT helps change negative thought patterns related to tinnitus. It often involves working with a therapist to develop coping strategies and shift your focus away from tinnitus.

Use background sounds or white noise to distract your brain from focusing on tinnitus. This can be particularly helpful during quiet times or when trying to sleep.

Mindfulness meditation can help reduce stress and the awareness of tinnitus. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, take deep breaths, and focus on your breathing or a specific word. Gently bring your mind back if it wanders.
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4. Ear exercise for tinnitus

Here are some simple ear exercises for tinnitus:

  • Jaw relaxation: Sit comfortably and gently open and close your mouth, keeping your jaw relaxed. Repeat this 10 times;
  • Ear massage: Use your fingers to massage your earlobes and the outer ear in a circular motion for 1-2 minutes;
  • Palming: Close your eyes and place your warm palms over your ears. Hold this position for 1-2 minutes to promote relaxation;
  • Finger tapping: Place your fingers lightly on the back of your head and gently tap to create a soothing sensation in your ears.

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5. Exercises for tinnitus and vertigo

One effective exercise for both tinnitus and vertigo is the head and eye coordination exercise. How to do it:

  • Sit or stand with good posture and focus on a stationary object at eye level;
  • Slowly move your head from side to side while keeping your eyes on the object for about 30 seconds;
  • Then tilt your head up and down, maintaining focus on the same object for another 30 seconds;
  • Repeat this exercise 2-3 times a day.

This exercise can improve balance and help manage symptoms of both tinnitus and vertigo by enhancing your vestibular function and coordination.

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How can I distract myself from tinnitus?

Learning how to distract yourself from tinnitus symptoms can make daily experiences with tinnitus easier and less annoying. Try implementing some of these strategies into your daily routine to find relief and comfort. 

Listening to music, podcasts or other audio can be a great trick to distract yourself from tinnitus by giving you something else to focus your attention on. White noise or ambient sounds can help cover up the sound of ringing in your ears. No matter what you choose to listen to, it’s important to listen only for short periods of time and at a low volume if you’re wearing headphones. 

While they might not cover up the ringing in your ears, caring for pets can boost your overall emotional well-being and reduce stress. Not only does this help calm your heart rate and improve your mood, but owning a pet can also help distract you from tinnitus symptoms and offer some comfort. 

Similarly to caring for a pet, activities like gardening, home DIY projects or other hobbies can provide some much-needed stress relief and help reduce any discomfort caused by tinnitus. 

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What is the best exercise for tinnitus?

The best exercise for managing tinnitus can vary from person to person, but mindfulness meditation is often considered highly effective. The benefits are several:

  • Reduces stress: Helps lower stress levels, which can exacerbate tinnitus;
  • Improves focus: Shifts attention away from the tinnitus, reducing its perceived intensity;
  • Promotes relaxation: Encourages a state of calm, which can help mitigate the discomfort caused by tinnitus.
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Are you experiencing ringing in the ear?

Do you hear buzzing, humming or ringing in the ears? You’re not alone. Schedule some time with our hearing care professional to evaluate treatment options and solutions.

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Why does tinnitus get worse after exercise?

Tinnitus after exercise can occur for several reasons, and it's important to understand the potential causes and when to seek medical advice. Here are some possible reasons:

  • Increased blood pressure: Exercise can temporarily raise your blood pressure, which may lead to a ringing or buzzing sound in your ears;
  • Dehydration: Lack of fluids can affect your inner ear, potentially leading to tinnitus;
  • Muscle tension: Physical exertion can cause tension in the neck and jaw muscles, which might contribute to tinnitus;
  • Ear pressure changes: Intense exercise, especially weightlifting or high-intensity workouts, can cause pressure changes in the middle ear, leading to temporary tinnitus;
  • Cardiovascular factors: Strenuous exercise can affect blood flow and circulation, potentially leading to tinnitus.
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Explore our hearing aids

Another treatment option is a hearing aid for tinnitus. These hearing aids produce a sound that masks the sound of tinnitus. Discover Miracle-Ear product range of hearing aids and get advice on the best ones for you according to your specific needs!

Document what works for you

Finding lasting tinnitus relief can involve a bit of trial and error as you test various methods. As you navigate your tinnitus symptoms, catalog your tinnitus triggers and the techniques you implement to treat it. Keeping a log of what causes your tinnitus and what soothes it may provide useful insight into patterns of your condition and the best methods to handle the experience.

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When to see a doctor

While these techniques, stretches and massages can provide some temporary tinnitus relief, some types of tinnitus require more specialized treatment. If your symptoms distract you from your routine, disrupt sleep, or cause prolonged distress, talk to a physician about your symptoms and concerns.

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FAQs about exercises for tinnitus

Brandt-Daroff exercises are specifically designed to treat benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) and are not directly intended for tinnitus. However, if your tinnitus is associated with positional vertigo or vestibular issues, these exercises might offer some relief by addressing the underlying vertigo.

Yes, exercise can potentially help with pulsatile tinnitus, but its effectiveness depends on the underlying cause of the condition. Here’s how exercise might be beneficial:

  • Improves circulation: Regular physical activity can enhance blood flow and reduce vascular issues, which may alleviate pulsatile tinnitus related to blood vessel problems;
  • Reduces stress: Exercise is known to lower stress levels, which can be beneficial since stress and anxiety can exacerbate tinnitus symptoms;
  • Supports overall health: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle through exercise can help manage conditions that might contribute to pulsatile tinnitus, such as high blood pressure or cardiovascular issues.

Exercise can be a valuable tool for managing tinnitus. By reducing stress and anxiety, which often worsen tinnitus, exercise helps lower the intensity of symptoms.

Activities like walking, cycling, and yoga improve circulation and promote overall well-being, potentially easing the discomfort associated with tinnitus. Regular physical activity not only supports cardiovascular health but also enhances sleep quality and reduces muscle tension, contributing to a more manageable tinnitus experience.

Facial exercises can potentially help with tinnitus, particularly if it’s linked to jaw tension or muscle strain. By performing exercises that target the jaw and facial muscles, such as gentle jaw movements and facial massages, you can reduce muscle tension and improve circulation.

This may alleviate some tinnitus symptoms and promote relaxation. Regularly incorporating these exercises into your routine could help manage tinnitus, especially when stress or muscle tension is a contributing factor. However, it's important to consult a healthcare provider to ensure these exercises are appropriate for your specific situation.

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